Feb 22, 2012 17:31

The Allpocalypse has begun.

Please proceed in an orderly fashion to your nearest Allpocalypse Planning Post.

Attempt to remain calm.

In the event of any changes, check back here for live updates on the situation.


-06 HRS

- As of this thread, there has been another minor explosion in the forest - a small and highly directional electromagnetic pulse being detonated. The containment fields that Enzo has been erecting around certain objects are now down.

The narrowness of the EMP's focus means that much of the bar has been spared, but any lights or other electronics in its path/in the vicinity of Enzo's containment field generator may also be affected, as it suits people.

Reactions, investigations, etc. etc. go in the -06 HRS thread.

Have at. :D


- As of here, a huge lightning/energy storm has briefly appeared above the lake and vanished. Near the lake, there are two shining silver hemispheres sitting 25 feet apart, Nick Sayre is slumped somewhere in their vicinity, unconscious.

Jack Harkness is dead on the pitcher's mound, crumpled against the Darkgate.

The Darkgate is open - a black void between stone pillars. Huge amounts of evil energy are now pouring into Milliways, but no beasties (yet).

React at will!


- As of here, Galactus and Unicron have begun to duke it out in space over snacking rights to Milliways (this can no doubt be observed from the window). Milliways' shields are holding (for now), but the impact of the battle can be both felt and heard: a deep, loud rumbling, and sporadic, low-level shaking, both in the bar and throughout the grounds.


-05 HRS

- BEASTIES. Grab a weapon, god your own opponents. >:D


-04 HRS

- The mysterious silver hemispheres are gathering power, tremendously increasing the amount of uncontrolled Free Magic sloshing around Milliways. If you wish to take advantage of even more BA-NA-NAS crazy unpredictable magic interference/side-effects/whatever in your beastie-fighting (or other Allpocalypse activities!), hop-skip on down and do it in this thread!


-03 HRS

- As of here, the exploding TARDIS out in space has started to tip the fragile balance of things. Slowly - very slowly - Milliways, Galactus, Unicron and the TARDIS are all starting to get pulled towards a black hole. Free-for-all beastie fights are welcome to continue; in addition to magical chaos/interference, feel free to play with the fact that space-time may now gradually start to get rather wibbly-wobbly. The added stress of the exploding TARDIS and the pull of the black hole have also started to take their toll on the Milliways shields - structural integrity is getting progressively worse, and the crack in the universe (in the wall) is starting to widen.


-02 HRS

- As of here, Orannis has just unleashed what is essentially a nuclear explosion. Although it has been contained by the shields erected around him, there has been another earthquake. The bar continues to tip gradually towards the black hole; the magic in the air continues to grow ever more wild and unpredictable; the monsters are still coming, and the Milliways shields...

Well. The shields aren't doing too good.


-01 HRS

- Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.

Questions? Thinking about tagging in but not sure where? AIM chat allpocalypse is where it's at.

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