Dec 18, 2004 13:45
hey, its saterday, the first day of winter break goin good so far but the best is yet to come, im planning on getting out to SD and then out to ocotillo wells, good times ahead
Dec 11, 2004 11:52
hey whats up evry buddy, almost winter break, its gonna be a good one
Dec 05, 2004 21:01
well hey, not much goin on, been doin alot of hangin out and some goodtimes, im still bored alot though
Nov 29, 2004 19:48
dude it was freezing, its gonna snow here, all it has to do is rain, last night it was 29 degrees out, and tonight its supposed to be 26, i like the cold
Nov 28, 2004 14:14
for some reason i really miss people from Sand Diego, i dont know why, i just do today
Nov 21, 2004 19:28
it was awsome, i woke up and all the mountains around my house were coverd in snow, it was cool, then i went and played in it, it was lots of fun,
Nov 13, 2004 11:26
well, i havnt updated in a while, nothing going on like usual.
Oct 28, 2004 21:15
well, like a hour ago my finger got in a fight with the sprokit on a bike, and it lost, it tore off the layer of flesh on the tip of my finger so basicaly i have no finger print for a while. ouch, it was bleeding alot, like a river of blood down my arm dripping all over the floor and my shoes.