For those who don't know me, my name is Rachel Dawes. I'm a Wanderer, a lawyer from a city called Gotham. I've lived and worked at the Conrad for the greater part of my time here. I'm also not the kind of person to sit around while the city is falling apart when we can make things happen instead--or in this case, keep them from happening again.
Here's the thing. )
Comments 38
I am saddened by such a display and by all who were victimized or made to feel as such. I feel there must be a way for us all to take something from this and grow stronger as a result.
The intent does not have to apply or to be utilized. Our own intentions are open to interpretation, I feel. We can grow from this and build.
I don't believe there's any conclusive information as to who was behind it, and whether it was an isolated incident or not. Whether it was or wasn't, it serves as a useful reminder as to what we should be aiming for.
That's what I'm hoping. Find strength in the tragedy and building toward something better.
Thank you for writing this entry. It was quite inspiring. I hope it fills people with strength in this frightening world.
Dmitri suggested that we organize. I completely agree. We need to organize in order to provide a strong stance and fight against this violence. It's important to take preventative action. We had thought the CLF had died with the mayor, but the truth is that people who are different will always face prejudice and violence.
I hope so, too. I hate thinking of people already uprooted from their home so senselessly feel they need live in fear, when they're already forced to rebuild their lives from scratch like we once did. It infuriates me to think of those people who have become victims of such violent discrimination and died for it.
Dmitri is a very smart woman and I agree, too. Unfortunately, you're right. There will be those that fear what they don't understand or know, and strike in terrible ways. It is never justified, and it needs to be fought against.
It is senseless. I think the deaths included two wanderers, an angel, and several humans.
There will be, but we will fight. If we respond to these tactics with fear or violence, we'll be playing right into their hand, proving them right about wanderers being the 'scourge' of the city.
They will each be remembered, and there will be justice in their name somehow.
It's important that everyone be aware of how true that is, and they understand how important it is not to strike back with violence and bloodshed.
I've only just arrived.
I was just in time for the bomb actually, but I'd like to help while I'm here if Hermione is right about there being a way back.
I'm not sure what I can do, but I'm not used to simply sitting around while disaster strikes.
We're only as powerless as we make ourselves to be. We can help in many different ways, and none of them need to be flashy or extreme. Sometimes it's as simple as standing one's ground when the time comes for it and helping the person beside you.
As soon as there are developments, I'll be sure to let you and everyone know.
Should you need anything, my room number is 615.
I've actually had a lot of experience when it comes to that. I'll stand, too. I'll help where I can.
Thank you for the offer and for letting us know.
Of course. Keep safe and we'll be in touch.
I'm helping mostly with clean-up right now.
I've...had a lot of experience with a group kinda like the folks that did this. I've been doing some research on them. It kinda sucks how prejudice can be found in any universe, huh?
I...don't know how popular this take is gonna be? But, someone once told me that folks like this (that do crap like this) need to be educated because they're ignorant and scared of something. I dunno. I'm not the one for that, but- The man that told me that was a lot smarter than me, so. I thought I'd throw it out there.
Me, personally? I'm more about making sure this doesn't happen again, period. So. I'm good with crowd control and patrol and stuff. That much, I can do.
I liked what you said, at any rate. I thought I'd say so. Thanks for saying it and all. Okay then. Nice to meet you.
... That definitely sounds tricky. Is it a telepathically projected thing, then?
Yeah, it's nice to see folks ready to stand up together, yeah? :) There's always good folks around places, though. Always more than anyone thinks.
We're not sure. It's more of a theory than anything, but we think it's something that the Rift projects. A telepathically projected thing seems the most likely.
It's very nice. I completely agree. The evil people may do terrible things that make the news, but there are always far more good people around, willing to lend a hand.
Even if the CLF went only after wanderers, I'd still want to help, because I just... do. And I don't like all of these awesome people being afraid and being threatened, especially when they've already been kidnapped and stuff.
I was outside, and I saw how scared everyone was. Humans, wanderers, angels, demons. Everyone. Why can't people see that hate crimes like that don't help anyone? They just make everybody scared and hurting?
I guess that's the point, but I just don't get it.
My, um, point (after all that rambling) is that I want to help. I really, really do.
I understand your need to help just because. I don't like them being afraid, either. Nothing in the world justifies what has happened.
That is the point, I believe. They use fear tactics in hope we'll stay silent and scared. Oppressed. There's an impact in refusing to give into these attacks.
Yeah, I don't understand it at all. I don't think I ever will. I kinda don't want to understand.
So if they see that we won't just go into hiding and that we'll fight back, it'll help? I'm willing to help fight in a non violent way. I won't let them scare me. Most of them are ordinary humans anyway with families and friends, they've just lost the way kind of. They're scared, hurting, and turning their fear into anger and placing blame, instead of being something more positive. I don't know words really well but I don't know. Something like that.
I don't blame you for not wanting to understand. I used to prosecute, and I've need to study and understand what I'm able to, to do my job.
Non violent is the way to go. If we respond in kind, we give them what they want--valid reasons to hate wanderers, to hate anyone that is different.
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