jennifer AGAIN and dan's kid brotherrobin_ruleSeptember 20 2005, 07:48:10 UTC
no, they are not seeing each other, but i showed yr jennifer to my dan and he was ,"Look at her beautiful mouth" and i said, yeah, that's why i'm showing you,"and I like those smoldering shy eyes" but check this out, you eran, look just like Dan's kid brother we agreed. it drove us nuts. we kept scrolling up and down, so welcome to the family and uh, bring yr girlfriend...
Re: jennifer AGAIN and dan's kid brotherrobin_ruleSeptember 20 2005, 17:08:07 UTC
we don't have no dig camera, but he is a DJ for an oldies station out of florida you can get thru yr computer. maybe if his voice is cool enough for ya, you won't be offended. yr cute, but i got the best of the litter (since we're all dog people here. chortle.)i'll ask dan for the call letters when he gets back from his three hours in the coffeehouse every morning editng short stories and whatnot. his little brother when 20, 21, needed money and so lied about his age in hollywood and did a chippendale act for a bout year, is that kink? yr Tribe: yr as weird as this family. i promise.
He's hated me forever. He becomes friends with people and tries to force them to, like, not be my friend. I was just talking to one of those people last night, who forwarded me his messages. We're going to see the Coup together on the 24th. She actually seems alright, though Jennifer is worried I might try to slip it in her 16 year old poon. Even if it is legal in Virginia.
it looks like you, jennifer and reuben had a great time! what a refreshing post in a usually morose journal. Im not saying that's a bad thing, just quite a difference in tone (read: you smiling). and look, grovestreet is alive and well!
Well, I guess I'd like to be happier, but that's not usually what spurs me to write shit down, for some reason. I dunno. I just wanted to get together some pictures and stuff. Bricolage. And of course she's alive and well, and with luck you'll be seeing a whole lot more of her in times to come.
yeah i understand that. for some reason i keep the good and happy memories in my RL journey and the irritating/confusing experiences make it to the LJ. By the way, i wanted to thank you for the intro to The Coup. I know this excuse is a cliche by now, but i live in the middle of nowhere and don't have access or the chance to be exposed to "underground" stuff. i downloaded some of their stuff and i can't wait for their cd to come in the mail!
hey. I'm going to add you, okay? You're a prick, I think you're funny. And you have every right to shit all over my music if you want to because I do it to other people. I'm not completely pretenious.
Comments 98
Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love
I don't even want, none of the above
I want to piss on you...
Yes, I do, I'll piss on you
I'll pee on you
Drip drip drip
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check it out when you have a chance... funny funny schtuff.
I know little to nothing on that whole situation, which is probably for the best.
Reply I'm going to add you, hope you don't mind.
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