Yeah i dont like her either..thats why shes at my house rite now flicking the hell out off you and calliung you a flat whore. But hey u dint hear it from me. Dont chloe im just spreading the luv
I am not! I'm not that mean! God Jaan. I might've been in your house but grr. And ofcourse you IM me a link to look at this and I look not knowing it's damn chloe's livejournal. lol. you pookie!
right jaan... and nicole, do control+ f and type in my name in there on your journal... if you dont think thats scary then your pretty obsesed...(then do davids name) not even gonna try and get wat u say. i should take you off my 'friends' list on livejournal, but it's just so funny seeing how much you can't spell and how much you make NO sense at all. It's also funny reading all the retarded stuff you write about. VERY very very entertaining.
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