Title: Pax Americana
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Canada and America live through the last century's calamities together, and they know in their hearts that pax americana will never break.
Characters/Pairings: Canada/America, Gift fic for
sadie_dandelion, thank you for donating for
ff.net (
The winter wind bites at the cuts and bruises on their arms )
Comments 17
Of course you can share this publicly-- Show off your hard work!
(Uh, Canada letting America be drunk and sticky on his couch for decades while he pretended to be his brother at meetings, painfully that's love. But funny that Disney World instantly got him off the couch).
Haha, I was actually gonna put more province/state stuff, I swear the stuff at Hetanada is so addicting, but I felt like I didn't know enough about the east coast states and more BC/N.Calif would be boring. :P
Yes, it is love! :)
I also really enjoyed you mentioning the Ambassador Bridge; I live right here and spend a lot of my time (especially in the summer) going back and forth between Detroit (here) and Windsor. :D So it was nice being able to know what was being talked about.
And I agree with the other people who commented about liking the state/province stuff.
Woah, that is really awesome! When I was writing it, I kinda wished I could've been there so everything I was writing about would feel more tangible. Alas I was stuck with videos on Wikipedia. :D
(even though I think half the textbook is filled with stuff about relations with Europe and the US and how they affected us ><;)
And I don't think it helped that I took the same segment of US history four times (the frigging Revolutionary War got so boring, graar.)
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