Name: Penka
Age: 28
Your previous stamp(s)/do you agree? Kapitel Ken and fighter. And I agree.
Your three favorite song lyrics: Give us a sample of them - not only the titles, because not everyone will know them. It's hard to choos, because they are many. So.. this is the lyrics of the three songs which is playing from my PC:
Nightwish - Sleeping Sun
"For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime"
Queen - Don't Try So
"But if you fall and take a tumble -
It won't be far
If you fail you mustn't grumble -
Thank your lucky stars
Just savour every mouthful
And treasure every moment
When the storms are raging round you
Stay right where you are
Don't try so hard"
Abba - I Have A Dream
"I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream"
When/In what situations do you listen to music? In practice in every situation - when I relax or study or working
Do you like dancing? No, but I like to “play “ one of Bulgarian traditional dancing named “horo”
Favorite season: Autumn and Spring
Favorite color: Blue
Do you prefer angst or fluff? Neither one of them. I like the balance of this things.
What are your guiltiest pleasures? Smoking ^_^ and may be I have more, but I can’t think about.
Predictable or unpredictable? Unpredictable
Cheerful or depressed? I prefer to look cheerful even I'm depressed.
Clean or messy? A little bit of both
Laid-back or uptight? Depends of situation, but in some way I’m stuck in the middle
Calm or energetic? Both- depends of situation and moments.
Silent or talkative? Depends of situation, but I'm a little bit more talkative
Stable or moody? Stable
Your favorite scene from Weiss Kreuz? Why? They are many. Really. I can’t think only for one. May be is stupid, but I like scenes where Ken is in.
You have one hour before your last mission and nobody to be with. How would you spend your time? Listening music and get into the mood of mission
Kapitel, episode 10. You are given the mission to eliminate Takatori Hirofumi. What would you choose as your club outfit? Will be stupid to choos me for that mission, but my outfit will be confortable but not so outstanding for it function. And must with enough pockets to hide everything that I want there.
Links to the open applications on which you have voted on - four/less if not available. (Votes on both theme and normal applications are acceptable but you can't use the same ones you used for your previous application.) I don't enough thime to think about new entries, but soon I'll do....So..I don't know did I use them before, because I voted a little bit long ago. But because I think that I didn't use them I'll post the one I voted in march and the new one - in April
march /there are two more/-
1, 2, April -
1, 2 3 For Voters: check out the
Theme Post to make voting easier.