Name: Kat.
Age: 26.
Zodiac Sign: Aries.
Favorite Quote and/or Lyric:
"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire.
Likes: Umeshu rock, all-night karaoke, linguistics, learning Japanese, anime musicals and cats.
Dislikes: Smoking and stupidity.
Strong points: Lots of "interesting" ideas. Very difficult to offend.
Weak points: Easily distracted.
Pet Peeves: See 'dislikes'.
Hobbies: Writing, karaoke and going to the theatre.
Talents: I can play the shamisen, write fiction and speak Japanese.
Your biggest fear: Death.
Optimistic or pessimistic? A bit of both, depending on the situation. Always optimistic for others.
Impulsive or cautious? Spontaneous.
Mature or immature? I swing to either end on this scale depending on the moment.
Extroverted or introverted? Introverted.
Outgoing or shy? Depends on the people I'm with.
Emotional or collected? Collected, unless it's something serious really is happening in my life.
Patient or impatient? Impatient.
Confident or modest? Probably more modest, but that might be a side-effect of living in Japan.
Realistic or dreamer? Dreamer, but with plans to make those dreams come true.
Logical or intuitive? Logical.
Rude or polite? Always polite.
Determined or passive? Determined.
Dominant or submissive? Dominant, but might be mistaken for being passive simply due to my levels of politeness.
Leader or follower? The one that controls the leader.
Compassionate or just? They should be the same.
Friendly or abrasive? Friendly, usually.
What color do you think relates most to you and why? Black. It's the colour that suits me best and the colour of night.
Can you put your trust in people? Often, yes.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Alone.
What's most important to you? Creativity, freedom and my friends.
Deadly Sin you relate to the most and why? Envy. I get jealous of what other people have quite easily.
Deadly Sin you don't relate to at all and why? Sloth, in the Mediaevel sense. I enjoy the world too much.
Number one goal in life: Get my fiction published.
Favorite Weiss Kreuz character? Why? Crawford, Chloe and Takatori Reiji. Crawford, because I like his leadership style; Chloe, because he's melodramatic and has an owl; Takatori, because he's hilarious.
Least favorite Weiss Kreuz character? Why? Difficult. Of the main groups, I suppose I would choose Ken. No particular reason -- he just doesn't interest me as much as the others. If we're talking more generally, I guess I would cite the generic flowershop girls.
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? Schuldig, purely from the perspective of his powers and body. I wouldn't want any character's angst.
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