Your previous stamp(s)/do you agree? (Because the vibe is also important.)
Regular application: Kapitel!Aya. I do see some similarities, although I'm generally nicer and not as vengeful and obsessive as him.
Kritiker theme: mission planner. Yes, I think it fits me quite well.
Age: 25
Height: 161 cm
Eye color: Officially: green; unofficially: grey mixed with yellow.
Hair color: Light brown, although I have been dyeing it red for about seven years.
High heels or sneakers? If I have to choose, sneakers; but I prefer combat boots.
Pants or skirts? Pants. I wear skirt only occasionally, maybe once a month or less.
Dark colors or pastels? Mostly dark colours; I usually wear black and brown clothes. When it comes to lighter colours, I sometimes wear beige or white clothes, but not very often.
Make-up or natural? Natural, although I like using lip glosses in natural colours.
Leather or cotton? Leather. And suede.
Shoulder bag or back pack? Shoulder bag. The bigger, the better.
Long coat or jacket? I have a few jackets that I like, but I much more prefer long coats.
Comfortable or sexy? Comfortable.
Pajamas or naked? Pajamas. I'm practical and I don't like being cold.
Trendy or old-fashioned? Old-fashioned, I am not a person who follows the latest trends in fashion. I like clothes from the seventies, for example the bell-bottoms.
Second-hand shop or boutique? Second-hand shop. I don't like spending too much money on clothes.
Do you like to impress people with your look? Well, no, I don't care about it. I try to look decent, because it's quite important in my job, but that's all.
Pictures: (Try to post at least three/four of them; it would be good if you could show us your style/full body shot as well)
More photos can be found
Links to the open applications on which you have voted on - three/less if not available. (Votes on both theme and normal applications are acceptable but you can't use the same ones you used for your previous application.)
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