ya know what, sar? carnations are the most beautiful things in all of nature...omg! i just called myself the most beautiful thing in all of nature...can you say conceited? why yes i can, thanks for checking! NEWAYZ, i'll talk to you tomorrow...just thought i'd let ya know that i'm turning into meredith (ya know with being conceited? JP GIRL! ily mere, so sorry bout the ankle! ew!)! talk to ya 2moro, aunt lacey! <33 caLLiE wiTH a K/giRL cOnFuSed bY tHe dOwNsiDe oF sOuP/aRbOr dAY sHiRt pArTnA*
hahah sorry about getting bitchy..i didnt know it would be about a video game and a twin that had a twin that was actually a guy twin..does that make sense??? haha :) but it was fun lol
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<33 caLLiE wiTH a K/giRL cOnFuSed bY tHe dOwNsiDe oF sOuP/aRbOr dAY sHiRt pArTnA*
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