I always wanted to be a Tenenbaum.

Jan 02, 2010 19:37

About you
My name is: Les
Gender: F
Because we do respect the lj code here, are you over 13?: Yep
How has your day been so far? (Just curious): Kind of boring, to be honest. But I watched Royal T's, so that was a highlight lol.

More about you
What are your hobbies/talents/interests?: I love to sing. I love movies, music and books (mostly the two former, I must admit). I love cats, chocolate, flip flops, driving fast, and I'm hoping to go into graphic design perhaps at some point.
Give us 5 positive adjectives to describe yourself: enthusiastic, discerning, perceptive, kind, meticulous
Give us 5 negative adjectives to describe yourself: selfish, cynical, reserved, moody, one-track-minded
And what do you think your best quality is?: Probably my meticulousness. It makes me good at my job, and helps me sift out the chaff from the wheat, so to speak, in life in general.
And what is your worst?: Definitely my selfishness. I tend to think about myself first, and I realize that's a bad thing but I can't seem to change. :/
What do you think draws other people to you?: I'm definitely a friendly person. I tend to get along with people, unless we have massive fundamental differences in personality.

Your favorites
Books: I love anything by C.S. Lewis. I also enjoy the prose of Nick Hornby, the Kenzie-Gennaro detective novel series by Dennis Lehane, and The Once and Future King by T.H. White.
Movies: Wes' films, of course, top the list. Followed by many. I am a bit of a film hound. For example, I like Guy Ritchie and Tarantino flicks, but then on the other side of the spectrum I also enjoy (some) stuff from Richard Curtis. Oh and Star Trek. Damn that movie rocked.
Music/bands: Blur are my all-time faves. Britpop is my favorite genre (from Franz Ferdinand to Bowie), but I also like classic rock, modern and indie pop, and even classical.
Animals: I'm definitely a cat person.
Quotes/sayings/lyrics: Again, we could be here all day. So I'll just go with two from very different sources -

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." - Ronald Reagan

"Either way you'll catch flu, or you'll catch the city." - Blur ("Essex Dogs")

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted: Introverted
Confident or shy: Shy
Kind or selfish: Selfish
Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic
Mature or immature: Mature
A leader or a follower: Follower
Impulsive or cautious: Cautious
Disorganized or systematic: Systematic

Wes Anderson
First Wes Anderson movie you saw? Did you like it then?: The Royal Tenenbaums and yes, I did.
Favorite Anderson movie?: Royal T's
Least favorite Anderson movie?: Bottle Rocket
Favorite character from an Anderson movie?: Eek! Probably... Margot Tenenbaum? It's a tough call. The rest of the Tenenbaums, the Zissous and Ash are all up there.
If you could magically become one character out of an Anderson film for one day, who would you want to be?: Margot or Agnes.

Would you prefer a same gender stamp or all that's listed?: Any gender is fine.
Anything else you feel like adding while you're at it?: Hmmm... Not really!

Please include links to three applications you've voted on:
1 http://community.livejournal.com/wes_stamps/1004.html
2 http://community.livejournal.com/wes_stamps/1556.html
3 http://community.livejournal.com/wes_stamps/2162.html

stamped: steve zissou

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