Nov 26, 2006 01:02
haha nice, my lj is still around.
Jan 25, 2006 15:18
i just got 9 new Brand New demos.
Dec 21, 2005 21:52
yankees got damon. sounds good, time to prove the sox winning it all was just a fluke. oh baby waht a formidable outfield.
Dec 21, 2005 02:53
i know a lot of people have been iming about when i'm going home. And the answer is never. I have finals otu of the asshole. I've totally lost track of when christmas is. I'm worried about my gpa. everything's fuckin shitty. This school is so hard.
Dec 13, 2005 00:00
ok. So they're going to cancel arrested development because of the ratings. This cannot happen becuase it is one of the greatest shows ever created. So everyone needs to watch it when it comes on every monday.
Nov 29, 2005 17:14
i am so pissed that nobody ever told me about sigur ros in high school. It's like going to heaven.
Nov 21, 2005 23:22
ya. the whole thing with "married to" your best friend of the same sex on facebook is getting old. Here's the thing, some of you who do it further makes me believe you are a dyke.
Nov 18, 2005 13:21
ok, ummm so everyone's coming back for thanksgiving right? Ok so let's have a party or something. comment if u want to come. Ok until then, bye.
Oct 17, 2005 02:44
dane cook show was a blasty blast. Good times at unh w/ my niggas.