Nov 26, 2004 14:41
I just got tired of this journal so I made a new one.
if you have not been added as a friend to my new name already comment, and I'll add you. :)
Nov 25, 2004 08:06
Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!
Nov 23, 2004 21:44
I feel like having another movie night. You bring the movies, I get the gummy bears and sno caps. woohoo!
Nov 23, 2004 21:41
Just when you thought you'd seen it all...................................I act out Juliet's death with my pizza crust. "Oh happy pizza..." I am so freak'n priceless. What would you guys do without me?
Nov 22, 2004 23:04
I'm sorry tired. I wish I could sleep, but I'm still working on that spanish book reference paper. This sucks, I'm taking a short break...............................................................................................................................Breaks over, back to work.