Apr 17, 2006 16:13
if anyone has any odd pictures of me i would love it if i could get sent one
Apr 16, 2006 17:20
damn I was supposed go to a tribute show but the kid that was going to drive was working for me and i had to fire him so now i cant go. oh well..I instead get to spend the weekend at my dads 585 acres of land in lebanon with an M16 and a shit load of ammo. should be fun
Apr 10, 2006 19:09
oh man....oh man....how many places do i have to wake up in and not remember how i got there before i stop drinking.
lifes been pretty good from what i can remember of it....hope you are all well too
going to a mitch hedburg tribute show in montana at the end of the month....should be interesting.
take care
Mar 05, 2006 12:28
hey fuckers....i havent gone to the bar for a full night of drinking in over a month....which means i havent vomited blood in over a month....whos proud of me?
Feb 23, 2006 15:04
so my step grandmother died recently. i used to be real close to her....i suppose it would have been harder but i havent seen her in 5 years. other than that things are ok. i havent gone to the buche in like a month...i feel pretty good about that...havent vommited blood once since then. go me
Jan 25, 2006 17:37
whos 23 and gets to fuck a 17 year old? uh thats right me!
drank almost a whole handle of cuervo the other night....i coughed as i was drinking some and it totally shot out my nose....my sinuses have been fucked up ever since....god damn tequila
i miss a certain person in providence....i hope they are doing good.
Jan 11, 2006 17:31
ijm not gunna lie....kettle corn kicks regular pop corns ass
Dec 25, 2005 09:35
happy holidays everyone.
went home last night to discover my lights on in my apartment. i didnt think much of it because i leavethem on all the time....but non the less my back door was smashed in and shit....so i dont even have a cell phone any more.
who the fuck breaks in to a apartment on christmas eve>? thats just low
Dec 23, 2005 18:22
i effectively shopped for everyone on my list today and it only took me 1 hour. that includes driving down DW. and i didnt have to go to the mall once! i so fuckin rock
Dec 20, 2005 20:01
worked 14.5 hours today....that means 5 in the morning until 7:30 at night.
gunna go die now.