Fic - First Knight (4/?)

Oct 25, 2012 21:53

Title: First Knight (4/?)
Author: wheelie47
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Luke and Noah.
Word count: 2,575
Disclaimer: Don’t own characters, am not associated in any way with ATWT, Van and Jake. No offence intended.
Summary: Set in the fictional land of feudal Western Atlantia, King Damian has been overthrown and has fled the Kingdom of Oakdale. But his evil influence has spread across all eight Kingdoms. Lord Luke Snyder leads his army in an effort to bring peace and justice to a troubled time, aided in his quest by a certain dark-haired young Knight…

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4

“Noah… please,” Luke begged, his voice sounding desperate as his long fingers curled urgently around the man's muscled thighs. “Please… touch me.”

To Luke it felt like weeks had passed since they had been alone together in Noah's tent that first night when he had taken the brunette's hardened flesh in his hands and into his mouth. In truth, it had only been mere days but that fact did not lessen Luke's ardor or his desire to be intimate with this man again.

The desire was so strong within him that he had risked another clandestine encounter out into the moonlight and he now found himself flat on his back on Noah’s bed with the Knight straddling him, hard thighs gripping his own.

“Please!” Luke begged again as he arched his back and thrust his pelvis into Noah’s, their clothed erections rubbing against each other.

But he wanted more… needed more.

Noah looked down at the man beneath him and licked his lips in anticipation. Ever since that night, he had longed to touch the blonde Lord like this. And now here he was, spread out beneath him… wanton and waiting.

He could hardly breathe with the intensity of the longing flaming within him.

Noah reached out with trembling hands and unlaced Luke’s shirt, pushing open the soft fabric to reveal the tempting skin beneath.

Almost reverently, he touched the heaving chest beneath him. His fingers roamed through the dusting of blonde hair, urged on by the responding tremble in Luke’s flesh and the moans that escaped those perfect lips.

His eyes traveled up the expanse of skin to meet the lust darkened gaze staring back at him.

The candle light danced in Luke’s eyes and over the perfect skin and Noah was entranced, watching Luke’s lips part and the pink moist flesh of his tongue poke out as his fingers worked their way down over taut stomach muscles to reach the top of the man’s leather britches.

Noah reluctantly broke his gaze, concentrating on his fingers as they teased along the waistband, first over one jutting hip bone then the other… watching in awe at the trail of goose bumps his touch left behind.

Luke squirmed impatiently under him. “Noah!”

Noah looked up and his parted lips formed into a slow smirk. “Does my Lord wish me to continue?” he asked, feigning innocence, knowing full well from the hard flesh pressed up against his that Luke was as aroused as he.

“You… you must not stop,” Luke breathed out. “Must not stop! But first, you must kiss me.”

Noah shook his head and his smirk widened at Luke’s demanding tone but he bent down all the same and crushed his lips to Luke's.

“Whatever you wish… my Lord!” he teased, his breath hot against the blonde’s full lips.

“Too much talking… not enough kissing!” Luke’s voice was impatient as he grasped Noah’s neck and held him in place as his tongue swiped across the Knight’s lips, demanding entrance.

Noah opened his mouth obediently and eagerly accepted Luke’s tongue. He groaned as his own tongue darted forward to caress and duel with the invading muscle.

He pulled back, a little breathless, and looked down at the body beneath him, his fingers paused at the ties that held the leather britches together.

Despite his earlier bravado, uncertainty played momentarily across his features; he had never done this to another man before and he looked up into Luke’s face, silently asking for permission.

Luke understood immediately what Noah was asking of him; he had felt the same uncertainty that first night.

He brought his hands down to cover the Knight’s.

“Trust your feelings, Noah, and just touch me.”

Spurred on by Luke’s words, his fingers moved, albeit shakily, to unlace the man’s britches.

With the final tie released, Luke’s hardened flesh sprang free and a low moan escaped Noah’s mouth at the sight as it lay proud against the taut stomach, pre-ejaculate already gathered at the tip.

“So beautiful,” Noah murmured as he sat back on his heels. In their previous encounter there was scarce time to appreciate Luke’s body. But now he took the opportunity and savored the sight of the bare flesh before him… until Luke groaned and squirmed impatiently beneath him again.

Noah let out a shaky breath that he had not realized he was holding as he reached out and his fingers connected with Luke’s erection.

Luke’s head fell back against the pillow and he closed his eyes to concentrate on the feel of Noah finally touching him like this. “Yes!”

Noah’s fingers grew more confident at Luke’s breathy moans and he was soon using his fist to twist and pull on Luke’s manhood, thumb gliding across the tip and smearing the clear liquid down the length, mirroring the blonde’s actions of their first encounter.

Luke’s eyes shot open. “Take me in your mouth, Noah,” he demanded, eager to feel the moist warmth surrounding him.

With his own hard arousal uncomfortable in the confines of his britches, Noah did not hesitate this time and leant forward to flick his tongue across the leaking tip before stretching his lips wide to encompass the bulbous head.

“Noah, feels so…so… ah…” Luke stuttered to a stop as the Knight’s tongue traced sensual patterns over his length. His fingers moved to grip in Noah’s luxuriant dark hair as he fought against the desire to thrust upward with abandon into the man’s mouth. Luke knew Noah was as much as a novice to this as he was and he did not want to ruin the experience by hurting the man.

The feel of Luke’s hands fisting in his hair and the weight of his engorged manhood resting heavy against his tongue made Noah’s own length twitch and remind him of his own needs. He groaned around Luke’s hard flesh as he palmed himself through the soft leather.

Noah pulled back off Luke’s member, a trial of salvia extending from his mouth until it broke and snapped, wet against his chin.

“Turn over,” he ordered, his voice husky and low.

Luke hesitated. “I… I want to… see you…” But the sight of Noah’s lust darkened pupils had him obeying without another word.

The coarse material of Noah’s bedding against his sensitive flesh had Luke pressing himself harder into the bed, rhythmically bucking his hips to create friction.

He stilled when strong hands gripped the sides of his britches, tugging on the leather.

Luke lifted his hips to aid the movement but could not help gulping down a large breath as the cool air hit his buttocks, finding himself suddenly apprehensive. He knew how this was going to go with Noah. And he wanted it… he really did… wanted to be stretched and full of the handsome brunette. But he had seen the size of Noah’s manhood and knew that it would hurt however slow they took their coupling.

He lost all power of cognitive thought when the Knight’s large hands spread him wide and he felt Noah’s tongue lap over his most private of places before circling the opening.

Noah’s breath came in short bursts against his flesh as the Knight flexed his tongue and pushed in passed the tight ring of muscle, hands kneading the soft flesh of his buttocks.

Luke’s body jerked uncontrollably, seemingly unable to decide if it wanted to push back against Noah’s invading tongue or press forward to create intense friction against his hard length.

His senses were overwhelmed and his fingers scrabbled for purchase in the covers as he moaned in ecstasy. “Noah… Noah… Noah!”

A loud clatter woke Luke with a start, bringing him swiftly to his senses as he realized he was lying face down in his own bed… very much alone.

Lifting his head, he looked straight up into the face of his serving boy, Casey. Who, by the bleary-eyed look of him, had spent to the early hours of the morning deep in his cups… again.

His gaze drifted down to the boy’s feet and to the jumbled mess of pitcher, towels and an ever increasingly pool of spilt water. This boy could trip over his two own feet! He really should think about dismissing the boy. But the Hughes family had a long tradition of serving the House of Snyder and Luke really did not think he had it in him to dismiss the boy, no matter how clumsy he was. Although he was hardly a boy; Luke was just barely older.

Luke shifted in bed, about to sit up, but stilled immediately when he felt his arousal press against the bedding. A wave of horror swept over him. Had Casey really just tripped? Or had he heard Luke moaning out Noah’s name over and over as he had dreamt of the Knight’s hands on him and his tongue entering him and dropped his burden in shock? Had their secret been discovered?

“My… my Lord,” Casey looked at him quizzically and Luke thought he detected a hint of something else… something unreadable… beneath that expression before it passed too quickly. “Are you unwell? Should I call the physician?”

Luke relaxed a little. Perhaps Hughes had heard him moaning but had not made out Noah’s name.

But Oliver?! As if having that infuriating individual anywhere near him would help with his frustration and the need to be with Noah again!

“No!” he replied sharply then added more softly, tempering his tone. “No… I am quite well. Just bring me fresh water.”

He watched as Casey quickly gathered up the dropped items and exited the tent before he forcefully smashed his head into the pillow and groaned. The whole camp was on edge; there had been no word from the scouts. And now Luke was adding to his own frustration by dreaming of Noah! He desperately needed to arrange to meet the Knight again. But until then he needed to do something physical to release his pent up tension…

Luke strode into the armory, intent on selecting a new sword to replace his own notched blade.

The three men within looked up on his arrival and he found himself staring straight into the handsome features of the man he had just been dreaming about.

“My Lord,” the men said in unison as they bowed, Sir Mayer’s eyes never leaving his face, a small seductive smile playing across his lips.

When they straightened, Noah went back to watching over the blacksmith making repairs to his shield and the Armorer stepped forward to greet Luke.

“I need a new blade, Master Gant,” Luke said as he flourished his sword and deftly turned it so the hilt was facing the man.

Gant Matthews took the blade and examined it with an expert’s eye. “Hmmm.” He was loathed to replace a blade like this. Each sword was tempered and balanced to suit its owner and Gant preferred to repair a blade rather than replace it. But Lord Snyder’s sword was notched repeatedly on both edges, a sure indication of the ferocity of their recent battles.

He gauged the weight and balance of the sword in his hands and, after pausing in thought for several long moments, he reached for the rack of swords.

“Try this one, my Lord,” he offered and extended a replacement sword, hilt first.

Luke twisted the blade in his hand, testing the weight and balance, and nodded approvingly. He made several practice swings and thrusts before pivoting to face Noah, his expression showing no surprise to find that the dark- haired Knight had turned to watch his display.

“Mmm! I think I am in need of an opponent to really test this blade!” Luke's hazel eyes sparkled mischievously as he used the tip of his sword to ease the hilt of Noah’s blade out of its sheath.

“As you wish, my Lord. I am at your service,” Noah replied with an answering smile and a bow as he pulled out his sword and slipped with practiced ease into a sword fighter’s stance.

Matthews moved swiftly out of the way and took up position next to the blacksmith as he watched the two men thrust and parry, performing an almost choreographed dance across the small space. He smiled and shook his head at the exuberance of youth, lamenting the passing of the time when he had that much energy.

“I do believe…” Luke paused as he met a particular well-timed thrust, never taking his eyes of Noah, “… that this sword is most adequate, Master Gant!” And to prove his point he deftly sidestepped another lunge and counter-attacked with a strike to the base of Noah's sword that sent it spinning from the Knight's hand.

Luke surged forward and tackled Noah to the ground, straddling his hips and pinning his hands above his head to stop the man reaching the short sword at his belt.

Noah struggled ineffectually against the grip before letting out a low chuckle. “I submit. I submit, my Lord! You have bested me. Perhaps it would not have been such an uneven match if my sword arm had fully healed,” he added with a smirk.

“Is that so?” Luke asked as he looked down at the man beneath him, all sweaty and flushed from their exertions, and it took him all of his efforts to remember where they were and not to lunge forward and devour those kissable lips with his own.

“Perhaps we should arrange a rematch when you are restored to your usual prowess,” he added with his own suggestive smirk and he felt Noah’s manhood twitch against his thigh in response to the hidden meaning.

Before the Knight could respond they were interrupted by a voice at the tent flap and they both turned to meet the newcomer.

“Perhaps you would like an opponent who is a better match?” Sir Davies offered, casting his eyes over the two of them before coming to rest on Luke's face.

Luke felt Noah tense beneath him and he looked at him with a small shake of his head, silently willing him not to react. Kevin had always been the same… always wanting to be competitive, to be better than anyone else.

He got to his feet and held out his hand to Noah to assist him to stand before gripping his sword again and turning to face Kevin.

Noah bent to retrieve his own sword, sheathing it, whilst intently watching Davies and Luke circling each other before they began sparring.

Beads of sweat began to roll down Luke’s face as he pivoted and parried to avoid Kevin's increasingly intense onslaught; the other man seemingly intent on putting on an impressive display in front of the gathered men.

“My Lord! My Lord! Sir Donovan has sent me… the scouts… they have returned!” a breathless Casey panted as he charged into the tent.

A distracted Luke dropped his guard and turned to face Hughes, realizing too late that Kevin’s sword arm was still in mid-swing and was struck by a glancing blow from the flat of the sword to the side of his head.

With a cry of pain, he crumpled to the ground and lay motionless, his eyes closed shut.

“Luke!” Noah and Kevin both yelled simultaneously as they dashed to the fallen man’s side.

“Get Oliver!” Noah bellowed as he cradled Luke’s head in his hands, the fingers of his right hand wet with blood…

Chapter 5

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alternative universe, atwt, luke, fanfiction, noah

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