The end to a stressful day and a stressful couple of weeks. I'm sitting on my cozy couch with my favorite little dog pillow watching taped episodes of Jamie At Home. I don't care what anyone says, I think Jamie Oliver is wonderful! His has good quality recipes using fresh food and they turn out brilliant every time...whenever I use a recipe I cook
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I think Biden did an amazing job tonight. Overall a better debate than we saw from the presidential candidates last week. Palin "exceeded expectations", which is to say she didn't short circuit like she did in the Katie Couric interviews. But she still refused to answer several of the questions put to her, and frankly I almost put my fist through
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Hey, art pals! So this is kind of pie-in-the-sky thinking here, but I'm entertaining the idea of getting a know, if I win the lottery or something (which, come to think of it, I don't play
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Jackie emailed me a link to Sarah Haskins's video on Sarah Palin the other day, and I finally got to watch it this morning. I am totally crushing. Here's another one of my favorites: