Jul 01, 2012 12:43

My inspiration is almost completely dried up. I try to write more Temeraire sequel and give up. I try to write a little PBell and hate it. Then I end up writing Leverage, of all things! You know, that story I utterly hated up until I finished it, and then my brain was like, you know what would be fun? MORE LEVERAGE. 7000 words of this nonsense and ( Read more... )

this is not a fic i'm so sorry, my real brain is on vacation

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Comments 73

osaki_nana_707 July 1 2012, 17:17:50 UTC
How are you doing? Maybe your creative bug is a bust right now, but how's your life going?

Also, have you ever thought about changing some names and publishing some of your stories? Because you totally should.


whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 18:15:51 UTC
Life is good, thank you for asking. :D I just finished full-time school and am looking at about a year off before going back. I have two jobs that I love and I'm keeping busy. How are you?

I haven't entertained the idea much, because obviously this sort of fiction only appeals to a very select audience. And I have a couple original novel-length stories that are HUGELY different from this stuff (my pet project is about shapeshifters and Norse gods and there is no sex at all, haha). I would love to do something more with Rough Trade, though. When I'm especially frustrated with school I often tell my bff that I'm going to move to Vermont and sever all contact with humans and become an erotic furry lit writer and my first story will be about a gay emu because I feel emus are underrepresented in furry art, and therefore probably in gay furry lit too. So maybe I will superimpose the plot of Rough Trade onto that, when I move to Vermont, and the emu will be Arthur. I like that idea.


osaki_nana_707 July 1 2012, 18:19:30 UTC
Lol, honestly though I think you could publish Rough Trade. I also think you could definitely publish The Running Play 'verse. Hell, if fucking 50 Shades can become a best seller and it's terrible, your amazing writing would be an awesome seller.

As for me, I also just finished school, getting my bachelor's in fine arts and quickly discovering that my degree is useless hooray. I've got a job as a secretary at a law office right now though so I'm not destitute (yet), but I'm still hoping that someone will buy my art at some point. My birthday is tomorrow too, so that's cool, though I don't really have anything planned.


whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 18:24:11 UTC
Happy birthday! Yours is exactly one month before mine. :)


barush July 1 2012, 18:20:52 UTC
How do you find the time to write so much?

Btw I don't always comment, but I've read almost everything of yours and loved it :)


whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 18:33:31 UTC
Thank you!

And good question. XD I don't know if this is true of every writer, but I tend to do a lot of my writing in my head. A lot. So when I finally have some free time, I transcribe it all in one long burst. That's if I'm in creative mode or particularly enjoying the story. So I guess it's not how much time I have, but how many words I can churn out in the time I do have. It can be something like 5000+ words in one evening if I'm really inspired.

Plus, I just try to make time to write. It's often relaxing or cathartic for me, so even if I work all day, I'll block off a couple hours in the evening for kicking back in OpenOffice. Always take a little time to do the things you want to do... which for me these days is mainly playing Pokemon on my DS. Bad Whisky.


barush July 2 2012, 00:08:19 UTC
I usually write in my head too, but I hardly ever actually get it on the paper (or to the word document, rather) lol I really admire you for being able to write so often and so well :))

Also, I've just read the whole Temeraire verse and it's like the best thing ever! Dunno what took me so long :D I always forget all my problems while reading your fics, so thanks for that :)


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Hello there whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 19:27:54 UTC
I love your ideas. :'D Especially the Wingman one. It reminds me that I have an almost-complete Wingman story on my now-deceased laptop and just have to figure out a way to transfer it to this one. ><

Anyway, thanks! And I hope you still like Rough Trade when the characters are emus.


Re: Hello there kamikaze_bunny July 2 2012, 07:47:01 UTC
Is the hard drive (my computer competence is non-existent so it might be a different thing...)still in tact? When my computer died, I found out you can get a thingy where you put the dead computer's hard drive into it and then hook it up to a working computer, via a USB port, and it'll act like an external drive so you should be able to get files off of it!


ey_up July 1 2012, 19:13:24 UTC
Ugh, I feel your pain, losing inspiration is so frustrating! And it's so hard to get back :(

What are you going to do with your year off?

Also, Happy Birthday for tomorrow osaki_nana_707 it's mine too!


whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 19:41:27 UTC
I'll be working mostly. I intend to work with animals in the long run (lucrative, I know) and I'm fortunate enough to have two jobs in the field, so I'll be gaining experience and collecting a few more school credits on the side while I try to figure out where my life is going.

This makes me sound really boring. Did I mention I get to hang out with various birds of prey twice a week?

Happy birthday! :)


ey_up July 1 2012, 20:18:44 UTC
It sounds brilliant! I took my class to the zoo on Friday and they had falcons flying out, I love all the birds of prey. Owls are best though I think.


whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 20:24:28 UTC
Same, I love them all, but the owls are my favourite. They are dumb as soup, and the Great Horneds have TERRIBLE breath (and are just tall enough to pant into your face), but I love them. They are so derpy. And they assume you're a tree when they're on glove, so they'll snuggle into your body to 'camouflage' themselves. Silly birds.

The turkey vultures are a very, very close second though!


platina July 1 2012, 19:41:34 UTC
I honestly would love to see some original work by you, published or not. Yo have a very compelling way of writing that draws the reader in and with a good editor I'm sure you would have a really good chance to make something out of it. :D


Also, no need to feel bad about being burnt up after so long in a fandom with no new canon. :D I still love Arthur and Eames to bits, but I'll admit there's now things I like playing with more. You should try out yourself elsewhere, and maybe the inspiration comes back eventually!


whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 20:09:55 UTC

Man, I would be really excited to share some of my original stuff with you guys, even though it IS way different from what I write here (first person past tense, for a start. AND NARY A MENTION OF RAPE?!). But my main project, although nearly complete, is nothing but a draft, and originally it was just something I wrote for fun to be shared with my friends and that was it. So it's very rough. I haven't even touched it in at least a year or two, though it's been on my mind.

A new fandom would be a good idea. I'm just a bit of a homebody. I like to stick with what I'm comfy in, and new things are scary to me. XD Writing takes me to my happy place, so it's hard to break out of one I've spent so long in, if that makes sense. My boss keeps telling me to watch Sherlock, though, and I hear there's some bromance going on there. (I am also, and always have been, primarily a Destiel fan, but I'm rather sad about what the show has been doing to my husband Misha Collins Cas, and that makes it hard to find the ( ... )


platina July 1 2012, 20:26:14 UTC

Ahahahahaha, well, I don't mind the no mention of rape part, as those were honestly my least favourite fics of yours. (I'm one of those terrible people who don't read noncon for the aftermath.) First person and past tense isn't unusual for published fiction, but always depends on how it's done, no. XD Can I ask what your project is about?

I know that feeling, especially when you then end up being disappointed with your new fandoms. (LIKE ME AND GRIMM RN.) From what my writer friend tells me it's also easier to stick to writing people you know instead of having to start from scratch and find your voices. xD But new things can be fun! And refreshing.

Sherlock is fun to watch! You should definitely give it a try, although the bromance (to me) is very platonic.

(Ahaha, I stopped watching SPN after S5 so I have no idea what's going on there.)


whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 23:21:19 UTC
After S5 is a good place to stop. Leave it at that. XD The show should not have gone on. God bless those boys, though, they're making the most of it. 'The French Mistake' is a S6 episode that's worth watching and it pretty much sums it all up ( ... )


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