Jul 01, 2012 12:43

My inspiration is almost completely dried up. I try to write more Temeraire sequel and give up. I try to write a little PBell and hate it. Then I end up writing Leverage, of all things! You know, that story I utterly hated up until I finished it, and then my brain was like, you know what would be fun? MORE LEVERAGE. 7000 words of this nonsense and ( Read more... )

this is not a fic i'm so sorry, my real brain is on vacation

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Comments 73

mysteryllama78 July 1 2012, 20:23:07 UTC
i love your writing style and how amazing and original your stories are. as someone has already stated, you really should consider submitting at least some short stories to a publisher. it's astounding to me how many talented authors there are in this fandom, it's about time some of you get paid for work.

first question,where does your inspiration come from?

you had stated that writing is cathartic for you, emotionally speaking, does your writing reflect what is going on in your life (this sounds really personal, please do not feel the need to answer this one)?


whiskyrunner July 1 2012, 20:47:33 UTC
I honestly have no idea where my inspiration comes from. XD I know a lot of my fics came from the kinkmeme. I just need that initial idea, and then the story will start to take shape. There was no event that inspired The Running Play, for instance; I'd heard before that no NFL player has come out during his career and wanted to take a look at that hyper-masculine culture using the characters as a vehicle, and it sort of took on a life of its own ( ... )


mysteryllama78 July 3 2012, 09:38:43 UTC
thank you so much for such thoughtful responses. i'm terribly sorry about your guinea pig passing. it's difficult to lose someone or something that your have great affection.

though your stories are at times dark and painful, there are always snippets of happiness and joy, plus, there is also closure for your characters. there are no easy answers or quick fixes in life and that is how you depict these characters and their situations, as if they are actual living, breathing beings out in the real world.i believe that is what makes your writing so engaging.

again, thank you for your response =)

***it's 2:40am and this is unedited,so please excuse any rambling***


keelain July 2 2012, 01:50:52 UTC

Do you have a cat? DO YOU WANT A CAT? I just got one and she is SO CUTE Q_Q

I want to ask what inspires you but I guess if you knew exactly what got you going you wouldn't have a block right now haha

How about, do you come from anime? What was your first fandom? How did you find out about this part of fandom? At which point did you go like YES I LIKE THIS THING WITH THOSE TWO BOYS.

Anyway this is one of my favorite prompts: http://inception-kink.livejournal.com/17044.html?thread=35802516#t35802516 an AU crossover! Like, what if the Arthur from Broken Toy woke up one day and was in the Leverage AU haha. Of course. That would definitely not work for your current WIPs ):


whiskyrunner July 2 2012, 02:30:38 UTC

I do not have a cat and I'm sad about that. :C If I did have a cat, this would be him. He was my fosterbaby. I named him Tuna and I still miss him (mostly because, unlike other kittens I've known/named, HE was so very deeply attached to ME). But both my parents are allergic to cats and so am I, although not so much that I can't pick a cat up and rub it all over my face, fortunately. Can I see pics of your kitty? o:

(I have one loopy dog and two boy ratsI draw inspiration from everything. The kinkmeme sure does help most, though. XD ( ... )


keelain July 3 2012, 03:20:46 UTC

I have only a couple that my dad took because I never think to take pictures when I am with my cat-- unless she is biting me and I record a video talking about how my cat abuses me ):


Wow haha idk I was here too young. I wonder what "normal" people would think of all this.

anyway after owning a cat I almost wish I had a kitty Arthur like that one fic you wrote. I WANT MY KITTY TO SNUGGLE WITH ME but all she wants to do is bite at my hands Q___Q


keelain July 3 2012, 03:21:08 UTC
haha my last message got marked as spam



sweetsigh July 2 2012, 02:35:29 UTC
*emerges from the lurkers*

Just wanted to say that I love the fact you're still writing for the inception fandom, and I love your Temeraire and PBell verses. (I read the first Temeriare book a while back and ended up ordering the entire series.)

I'm not sure where you could go with the Temeraire verse besides maybe Arthur and Felix being bamfs and/or saving the little winchester or something.

As for PBell, I was kind of wondering what happened to the other people A+E knew. Maybe Cobb or Yusuf or some other friends of theirs. Like, what if they found out about the kids. What if their kids were kidnapped for some reasons (Men like Arthur and Eames would probably have no shortage of enemies). How would the kids react and what not.

Just to throw some things out there :)


whiskyrunner July 2 2012, 19:23:39 UTC
Thank you! I have a vague idea of where the Temeraire story is going -- it's the motivation I lack. XD And the self-discipline. Arg.

Interesting idea about kidnapping. Hmm...


just_a_boy July 2 2012, 03:21:10 UTC

You are one of the best authors I've ever come across, and I'm so glad you are continuing to carry the Arthur/Eames torch. I am constantly amazed at the emotions you conjure up with your stories - I mean it as a complete compliment when I say that many of your works have stayed with me long after I have read them.

On a more personal note, I'd like to thank you specifically for writing Shooting the Moon. It's one of my favorite stories of all time, because it specifically addresses the topic of asexuality and asexual/sexual relationships (and it gave me the courage to open up and try a relationship with my boyfriend). I would hate to be overly invasive, but I'm terribly interested in knowing what your thought process was when writing it...

TL;DR Whatever you write, I will read.


whiskyrunner July 2 2012, 19:39:04 UTC
:') Thank you. What a very touching comment ( ... )


akalillyn July 2 2012, 04:04:43 UTC
HI WHISKY! I'm glad to hear that you are not kidnapped because I was worried about the kidnapping, but I'm sorry that you are idealess :( also, SSSSSSSH I LOVE LEVERAGE, WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT ME XDDDDD

I feel like I have so many questions that I can't figure out what to ask first. HERE ARE THREE FIRST!

Because I am a stalker and read all the comments, what did you study in school? It's amazing that you have any jobs straight out of school, LET ALONE TWO! THAT'S SO GREAT. I'm still looking and being all ~confused~ about life because this is what people do, right? xD

ALSO, what about Arthur/Eames attracted you to it and inspired SO MANY FICS. It's kind of awe inspiring.



whiskyrunner July 2 2012, 04:42:39 UTC
HI! Bahaha, if this chunk of Leverage ever gets posted, IT WILL BASICALLY BE POSTED FOR YOU ( ... )


biohazard_03 July 3 2012, 21:51:52 UTC
Random person jumping in to say.... I LOVE LEVERAGE TOO!

Ok now that I have made the declaration, I shall return to getting burn in
Hell... *rolls away*


whiskyrunner July 4 2012, 15:53:34 UTC
In that case, if posted, it will be for the two of you. XD


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