Title: Remembering
destinyjadams Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Summary: Sara remembers, Neal's there to hold her.
Warnings: un-beta'd.
Pairings: Sara/Neal, NOT het
Words: 1.029
Notes: Okay, I am not gonna lie, I don't write romance. I am a strictly GEN writer. I HATE romance with a passion, I am tired of it being blared everywhere. But there was this awesome prompt on
wc_women_fest written by sahiya that can be found
here, and the minute I saw it, I just sat down and wrote a romance. None of this gets back to my family.
One more thing, before I wrote this, I was not a fan of Sara. After I finished, I don't hate her as much as I used to. In fact, I may even like her now. The wonders of fanfiction. Anyway, on the the story.