Note to self:
Never sleep in the same room as Arashi members no matter how hot they may be.
never sleep in the same room as Kanjani8 members. In fact, I think it's wise to stay away from any Johnny's boys while you're sleeping. >_>;
Rambling )
Comments 13
But anyway...I've never tried subbing a video and I'm not sure if there's a faster way to do it but the one you're describing sounds impossible. STAY AWAY CELESTE! XDDD I miss your translations too although something other than Gazette would be nice *shot*
Weren't you translating Ryutarou's book? What happened with that?
Oooo I totally want to see the new Ghibli movie too. Sounds super adorable XDD
I keep wanting to translate things other than Gazette (like that Yomi interview I've half done xD), but I keep thinking of RTR and always give up because I think I should be doing stuff for that. x.x I feel guilty that I haven't updated there in ages. >.>;
Yeah, I'm still translating it. I haven't had any time to do any more on it though. =/ It will get done though! Hopefully by the end of this year. *crosses fingers*
It does! If it's anything like My Neighbour Totoro, I really want to see it. Ghibli kids' movies are so great. xD
ZOMG Yomi interview. Want to read! Eh, I dunno about RTR, you seem to be the only one who makes an effort there anymore. Kinda sad =( Don't worry, Gazette are everywhere lately. Other bands need love! (and I really just want to read that Yomi interview XDD Which one is it?)
Oooo awesome, I was afraid you might have given up because you were saying at one point that it's really hard to translate XDD;; I love reading Tarou interviews, can't wait to see his book when you're done ^__^
zomg yes, I love my neighbour Totoro so much. I got my cousin a Totoro plushie for her birthday recently and I was THIS close to just keeping it for myself D: XD;
Yeah, I think so too.. =/ But I guess that's because I'm the only one still learning Japanese. I don't know, I really want to keep RTR, but finding the time to translate and update is hard. Plus, I don't have the will that I had before because of everything that's happened in the Gazette fandom and them just not seeming so great anymore. =/
So I've been translating stuff by other bands. :P But I never know where to post what I do so I don't. XD; Anyway, that Yomi interview is the one from SHOXX Vol.156. It's a personal interview and he ends up talking about marriage in it, which is why I started reading it. I stopped translating though because I thought "No, I have to work on stuff for RTR!" That's how I've been thinking lately. :P
Nooo I'll never give up on his book, I love it too much! :D Ryuu's really special. X3
Haha I would have been the same. xD
subbing itself isn't that hard,but I guess timing the subs is the most time consuming part of it indeed :p
ah D: and you remind me I need to catch up to Shimura Doubutsuen D:
I haven't watched a new epi in ages ;_;
Yeah, timing seems like it will take forever... I don't know how people who sub videos do it. xD; But I still want to~ *is ambitious :P*
That would be the tutorial I used to help me. Good luck!
but itd be awesome if you started subbing!
homg. connection problems? emo w/ me. D:
homg (yes i said it twice) 'waking up ryo-chan' i watched that ages ago and i STILL cannot believe the boy looks that good after waking up. *-*
*pokes* help me get back into jrock? je is very addictive. in so many ways. xD
He IS SO INCREDIBLY SEXY...he does my head in *___*
You can have Ryo.. XDD He's WAY too sexy too..but I'd rather have Yasu before Ryo...and possibly even Yoko.. :P
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