Title: Dispatches from Abroad (The Past is Another Country Mix)
glinda_penguinCharacters/Pairings: The Doctor, Susan Foreman (cameos from sundry companions, notably Jamie McCrimmon and Donna Noble)
Rating: PG
Summary: He leaves her letters in the libraries, carves her messages into the cliffs. He goes forward in all their beliefs.
Word Count: 1535
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Comments 8
I love seeing how people remix fics, and switching the POV but keeping the setting of the last scene is an awesome way of going about it. And I love how much character development and depth you've added to such a little snippet of a ficlet! Your glimpses of each incarnation of the Doctor are bang-on - the way their sections intertwine with the big events of Whovian history (and novel/audio/comic canon! I'll have you know I did a little happy!flail at every reference) really gives scope to this whole undertaking, and it's just marvelous.
The scene with Donna in particular was excellent - it really rings true that he'd share that part of his life with her. And Jenny at the end! Beautiful way of bringing the fic full circle.
And I love, love, love the way you've had the whole thing be a trail of breadcrumbs for Susan, leading up to that ending.
Thank you for writing this!
the person he was back then seems like a stranger and worse, so does Susan.
That bit was perfect and devastating.
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