hey guys just a freindly reminder that my exhibition opening is on tonight and i would love to see all of you there,, it's at e55 55elizabeth street, basement level. i'll be there head in about 7ish to help me with the festivities.
hey there everyone. as you may have heard my follow up art show is finally a happening, and fast. i finally got a date approved and it is thursday the 18th of October. i know its soon but i would love to see you all there
ok cats i've had a few of you ask me if i can do some work for you as a backyarder.. if this is the case and you are one of these lovley people. i brought some new tools on yesterday so i would ppreciate it if you coulc email me some photo's of the damage you want repaired as well as exactly what your after from the finished broduct.. thankye...
hey all just a reminder for thoise who don't know i will be having birthday drinks at the rochester on friday night, so feel free to comedown and abuse me for being a cynical old sea dog..