Dec 31, 2004 07:22
Have a happy New year to all me friends!
I'm not one for having fireworks but i might watch something on the TV
Dec 24, 2004 18:49
Oh well here I am alone on christmas eve. Same as bloody last year and the year before that one.
If I could have a christmas wish finally come true it would be where I could be with Misty, Veronica and Sharon tonight.
"Wipes me eyes" Sorry about being a bit sad tonight. I really don't know which is colder the snow outside or being alone right
Dec 23, 2004 03:40
Excuse the bloody mess for now. I've asked Amanda to come to fix me layout.
Dec 23, 2004 02:38
It took a bloody long time it did but now I'm posting in me journal Amanda made. Thanks girl for all your help.