Title: Daring to Hope
Fandom: Torchwood (where the slash is canon.)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto. past pairings of Jack/Suzie, Jack/Martha. Past pairings of Jack/Gwen and Jack/John implied.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Five times Ianto wasn't jealous, and one time he was.
Spoilers: up to 2x13: Exit Wounds. I'm ignoring Children of Earth. It never happened.
don't watch Torchwood but still want to read? click for a few brief notes. )
Comments 22
You broke my heart when I thought he'd left! I'd also love to see Gwen's reaction when she finds out he's still there. :P
This was just gorgeous. Beautiful writing, genius idea. You have it all. I'm not sure what to say my dear. *grins*
Except that I agree with you. CoE never happened. Never. Except the beans moment. That might have happened somewhere, if only because the universe has a sense of humour.
On the subject of CoE, (I'm going to be vague, because some people on my f-list haven't seen it yet) the thing is that it was really really well-done as a show in general. But it had so many flaws of characterization - Gwen, for example, was very different from her character in the first two seasons. And of course there was the obvious thing. So I don't count CoE as canon, but as a decently-written fanfic that somehow made it to television.
Especially considering RTD and his jackassery. I wasn't impressed with his statements surrounding CoE and fans.
Didn't I tell you I would read your Torchwood fics and LOVE them even if I hadn't seen the show?
Okay, well, I saw the video and the first episode, but I think we can safely say I don't really know this show yet.
I love this. When I've seen more of the show I know I'll love it more. For right now, with as little as I've seen, your Jack/Ianto is wonderful and warms and breaks my poor heart.
*snerk* The Doctor with insane eyes, I love that. XD
(Haha, that bit about the Doctor - it's how I've always thought of it. He always looks slightly unhinged! I love it.)
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