Happy birthday to my friend lillywmw. There's a word in Spanish for someone who shares your birthday, but I can't remember it now. But it's something special, to be sure, if they'd make up a special word for it, right?
It's probably too late over on her side of the world, but I want to wish a very happy birthday to enomis57. I hope that you had a wonderful day and that this year brings you many good things. ♥ *huge hugs*
I'd also like to wish a happy birthday to cassibill. I haven't seen you around in ages, but I hope wherever you are, that you are well. ♥ *huge hugs*
This morning we announced the Ron/Hermione Spring Images!Fic Challenge. So hurry on over and claim your prompt. It's going to be super fun. I'm going to be participating and I've very excited about it.
I want to see my wonderfully talented f-list respresent!!! Come on, you guys!
Since it's already Valentine's Day in Dawn's part of the world, I thought I'd post my Valentine's Day gift fics now, so everyone can enjoy them (I hope
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