Hmm carnations, 3rd grade Valentine's parties, Chinese take-out, chick fliks, red roses, Just Like Heaven, Mrs. Fields cookie cake and Jimmy Brady make for the best Valentine's Day ever
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If you're cool, you'll be at our first home game tomorrow night at 7:00 vs Harrison.
If you are cooler, or unable to attend tomorrow- not to worry- we have home games Friday and Monday tooo. Oh yes. Erin will be singing. We will be playing. Harrison/Southfield/.. who we play Monday?.. will be losing.
It's time for a new update, because that last one is just annoying. Mainly because even though it was only a few days ago, I'm soo done with it. I'm done thinking & talking about it. And whining and crying over it. Because even though the situation was lame, it did change me. And I'm completely okay with that. I came out of it even more in love
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