You've been given fair warning: some of this stuff is abysmal. If you must read it, I'd start off with the stuff that was written most recently. Catalogued in descending order of the date posted, with most recent posts at the bottom. Ficlets are not archived, and can be found instead in my memories. Pairing is Brian/Justin unless otherwise noted.
Queer as Folk
untitled, r, May 15, 2004.
“The first time you see him, your first thought is that he's the prettiest boy you've seen in a long time. Wide blue eyes, full cocksucker lips and an ass like none other.”
Tacit, r, May 20, 2004.
“One day, Brian will wake up and find that his son is ten years old.”
untitled, pg-13 for language. June 2, 2004,
“Someday, Brian thinks, Justin will get over him.”
untitled, pg-13, June 11, 2004.
“Sometimes when Ethan was in one of his passions, playing his violin frantically day and night, Justin would sit on the bed, close his eyes and think about laying on wooden floors and staring up at Italian lighting fixtures.” Justin/Ethan, Brian/Justin. Set during early Season 3.
untitled, pg-13, June 28, 2004.
“Brian doesn't remember when he started to hate his mother.”
Things That Used to Be, r-ish, July 8, 2004.
“It was established long before anyone but Michael knew him well that Brian Kinney did not do boyfriends.”
Entwined, pg-13, July 20, 2004.
“When Brian Kinney came back to Pittsburgh -- alone -- a ripple went through Liberty Avenue.”
untitled, pg, July 24, 2004. ethan!hate fic. Justin runs into Ethan in L.A. and uses pig Latin to scare him away. Past Justin/Ethan.
untitled, pg-13, July 29, 2004.
Post-414, Justin-centric. Justin doesn’t need to be with Brian.
Those Who Can Carry Its Weight, pg-13, August 6, 2004.
“Say you’re an eleven year old boy. You love your mom, and your dad too, but you don’t exactly know why, and you’ll never quite figure it out no matter how long you live.” Or, Brian is fucked up and there’s really no way to fix it.
untitled, pg-13 for language/sex, August 16, 2004.
“Brian used to say I love you all the time.”
untitled, pg-13, August 21, 2004.
“Brian never used to think about the future.”
untitled, pg-13, August 25, 2004.
Brian’s thoughts during that interlude involving the violinist with the small animal growing on his chin. Takes place during seasons 2 and 3.
untitled, pg-13, September 6, 2004.
“The thing about Justin is that he was never the weirdo kid with Barbie dolls and an Easy Bake oven.”
And They Rode Off Into the Sunset, pg-13, September 21, 2004.
“When Justin was seventeen, he was convinced that he and Brian were something special.”
Lonely Offices, pg-13, October 28, 2004.
“You knew, from the very beginning, back when you were still following him around, going wherever he was going and doing whatever he was doing, that making Brian Kinney fall in love with you wouldn’t be easy.”
Fairytale!Justin, pg, November 25, 2004.
“Once upon a time, there was a young prince named Justin. He was a very brave little toaster of a prince, even if he was blond and short and a little bit girly.” AU. A tiny bit like The Princess Bride (the book).
untitled, r, December 25, 2004.
“At a certain point, it occurs to Brian that if he ever wants to get out of this damn not-a-relationship, he better do it soon, because he's relatively sure that in the very near future, he won't be able to.”
Miles Above the Surface, nc-17, December 27, 2004. written for
Brian and Justin join the Mile High Club.
untitled, r, March 28, 2005.
Brian turns forty.
At Times, Indeed, Almost Ridiculous, pg-13, May 13, 2005.
“Sometimes people say the end is inevitable.” Post-507 fic, ignoring anything that occurs thereafter. Written for
The Problem and Indirection, pg-13, August 7, 2005.
That fic in which I think that Monet and Warhol are at all similar. My only excuse is that I was a teenager and could not have been expected to know these things. Post-513, sentimentality in spades.
And I Will Follow, r, September 4, 2005.
“The world ends on a Tuesday.”
Queer as Folk RPS
untitled, pg-13, June 8, 2004.
“Gale is something of an elitist. But not because he doesn't like people.” Gale/Randy. Friends-locked because of lingering paranoia that Gale Harold will Google himself one day and stumble upon this craziness.