Still feeling like all kinds of bullshit, but at least there's things like this that make me smile for a bit. I'm trying to share it with everyone I know because it is such a great letter and message in general.
So today I had a bit of a breakdown at work when a bunch of women mobbed me and cursed me and made me feel stupid because of the lines for Magic Mike. That movie is turning women into animals. It's a bit alarming. This was actually the first time I ever cried at work too which kind of sucked but eh. Work has really been up and down for me lately.
Blaaaaah this took forever to do and I'm still convinced it's unfit to be seen by human eyes, but I promised allie_criss and also she helped me out so much and let me bounce aaaall the ideas off of her so I'd feel bad if I nagged her all that time for nothing! So here goes, judge away, and maybe enjoy~
So the other night I had the most random, most AWESOME dream ever. And actually, when it started out, I totally thought it was gonna be a nightmare but it turned out so much better. Also, it was really weird and unrealistic at times as dreams are won't to be, so just go with it.
Ahahaha somehow I've been persuaded to do this. Comment on this entry and I’ll put my ipod on shuffle and tell you your life soundtrack.
LIFE STORY: Opening Credits: Waking Up: First Day At School: Falling In Love: Fight Song: Breaking Up: Life’s OK: Getting Back Together: Wedding: Birth of Child: Final Battle: Death Scene: Funeral Song: End Credits:
Skin deep. That's my problem. Everything is skin deep. It's not important. There's nothing here for me that isn't as insubstantial as the wind. There's this really deep seated loneliness in me that is never going to go away because I just don't have that sort of connection with people. I think it's because ever since I was little I had this longing
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So I've had a pretty shit week overall. And the one coming is proooobably not gonna get any better. Only one good thing happened and that was that I FINALLY got myself a job.
So Thursday I got hired at the movie theater near my college which is nice. Finished the paperwork today. I was actually really happy about this, but it's kind of being
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