Before you click past the cut-tag, I'm putting these up in the easiest way for me. Tables make my brain explode and if I wait for pictures I may never get it up. And the whole point of it was for it to be a fun little project, not to feel like something I have to get presented just perfectly or never put up. I may repost to update it, or prettify
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Comments 98
fa-ikaika did something like this once for some of Shakespeare's plays. :)
Which plays?
And it just makes the Atlantis OT4 that much more yummy.
Or some combination with Weir?
I'm strictly and strongly a McDex kind of girl. Theirloveisallaboutfoodandsafteyfrompredators :)
I'm strictly and strongly a McDex kind of girl. Theirloveisallaboutfoodandsafteyfrompredators :)
But that just brings me to this point. Where I might as well just create a new universe and be inspired by the whole project and do something original.
And yeah, in my head, Ronon and Teyla are like cousins. Not Mythological Greek Cousins ala Patrolacus and Achilles. But cousins in that 'you're kind of hot except I'm related to you so I'll just admire your stength' way.
I could see Ronon adopted into the Athosian tribe with Teyla as a kind of sponsor etc. But I don't see sex between them.
Hmm, maybe cause in my head Teyla's a lesbian? Cause I just realized that Teyla and Weir or Teyla and 'the new C. Beckett' would be oh so pretty. Heck, Teyla and the new Cadman
*hmmm, has nice girl/girl thoughts now* Whee rainbow.
The purpose of this mini project was to do something that felt empowering. And yet I was no end of pissed off when I found myself with a true feel of just how many talented Actors of Color there are and they don't get cast.
It's like that article on the net, about a producer who hasn't come up with anything new in two years, cause he's been trying to get this one movie made with a person of color as the lead. And Hollywood keeps telling him, it'll tank overseas cause no one will go to see if if there's not a white person as the lead.
And he's all 'But the actor who signed on won an Oscar! Won't they go see it just cause it's a good movie!'
And he gets laughed at.
Andre Braugher totally should get cast in more things. And it's a big shame they don't do tv movies of the week anymore. Because then smart people could have him rotating around the networks and not locked into anyone show.
Things that make you spork.
do feel free to suggest some yourself as I get around to putting someone up for various tertiary roles and guest star possibilities.
Ooh. Hmm. If you'll take a British Tok'ra, how about Adrian Lester as Malek?
I'm currently fiddlying with the thought of a People of Color: Stargate Universe, Fandom Community. For fic, icons, blah blah blah. So pimp away. Then if I actually go through with it, it won't die a horrible death within 10 hrs :)
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