This Is Ginny. You may not believe it...but I randomly check back here to see how your doing. And make sure your okay. This hit home...a friend of myne...her dad died in the Twin Towers...They moved after the Funeral..and I haven't talked to her sence..but I know if she read this...she would Cry for months. I think I'll send it to her old E-mail address. Thank You Kim...This was a wonderfull little poem. Bye BYE.
Hey Ginny... wow.. thanks for everything. I really apprecaite knowing you come here to check up on so sorry about your friends dad. I've been meaning to tell you this for awhile.. but for some reason we kinda stopped talking for awhile. I just want to let you know that your a beautiful person.
Thank You Kim. I know we stoped talking...cuz I only see you at the mall. And when I'm there, I'm always tring to fix some sort of fucking drama or something equlely as stupid, no I never have time to randomly stop and talk to people. It's just an odd situation. Thank you tho...and no worries about anything. I'm sure that no matter what...everything will be okay one day. Despite the current state of things.
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