year end fic meme

Dec 28, 2012 22:31

For once in about FIVE years I've actually written enough fic to do this meme:

Total number of completed stories: For ease of calculation, I'm going to ignore all the little ficlets I wrote for memes (not that there were many), and I'm going to count the whole Cookie Fic, even though I wrote the first half in 2011, so basically, I am having a very ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

silverturtle87 December 30 2012, 03:41:41 UTC
As far as I'm concerned all the fic was fantastic. But Chad's especially, because he's just so much fun to read.

YOU'VE MADE ME SHIP PRENTISS/ROSSI. Like, I think I ship it more than I do Prentiss/being gay. And that's saying a lot, I'm pretty firmly entrenched in wanting Prentiss to be gay (and oh boy I would really like to see what would happen in a crossover that gets Lorelai or Alex involved. That's not a prompt, unless you'd like to take it as such, it's just my mind saying 'oh yeah, why didn't you think of that earlier?').

Also, I got your Christmas card. Thank you! Paget's boobs are pretty fantastic. I feel confident in saying they are more fantastic than was my actually pretty great holiday season.


wizened_cynic December 30 2012, 09:48:38 UTC
Chad's pretty much my favorite to write, ever.

SUCCESS!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, I know logically Emily Prentiss should be gay as the day is long, but shipping her with Rossi is so right I don't want to ship her with anybody else. Also I don't like JJ and cannot stand Garcia. Plus her baby with Rossi is so cute! How can you resist that face?

I'm glad the card finally arrived and that your holiday was pretty great!


silverturtle87 December 30 2012, 22:54:07 UTC
She does make sense with Rossi, not gonna lie. If she has to be with someone in the Criminal Minds verse he's definitely it. But I still ship her with ladies if we're thinking crossovers.


wizened_cynic December 31 2012, 04:37:33 UTC
It's the only way she will ever get happiness AND a baby! I mean, she and Hotch will just be sad sacks if they ever hooked up and let's not even pretend Morgan and Reid are viable options, hello.

Weirdly enough, if we have to go beyond Cm'verse, then I imagine her to be in a polyamory relationship with Sam and Dean Winchester while raising little Lorelai and little Alex. Clearly I am just going to go with my headcanon and stay as far as possible from the realm of reality.


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