Well. I have a broken pelvis in 6 places. 4 in front and 2 in the back. At least that is what they tell me but I've never seen it and all I know is that it has been the worst pain I have ever felt. After the accident was probably the worst because I was facing the unknown of what the hell was I going to do about school and you know walking again.
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Comments 8
And I just want you to know that you'll be in my prayers.
I've never broken a bone, so I can only imagine how horrible this must be for you - I'm so sorry.
ok- don't take this in the wrong way or anything, but this is the science nerd in me coming out. Did you break bones in the "pelvic girdle"? Like the sacrum, ilium, and ischium? I know I'm a dork, but just kinda curious.
Take care! Let me know if you need anything at all, now or later towards the summer. I still work at Stickney, so if you are gonna be home, I'll be close by!
Um, I miss you, so stop being a cripple soon, mmmk?
Today the movie Misery was in the crossword puzzle I was doing and I thought about you breaking my legs with a sledgehammer so that we can room together again.
See you tomorrow probably. You must be getting sick of seeing me, but I just go through Suzie withdrawals!
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