I hope you enjoy it! Like I said, I'm still gaining my footing with these characters, so I'll a little--nervous? about that, I guess. Like, "oh shit, am I just writing Arthur and Eames"?
oh god I was cleaning out my inbox and found this comment notification and realized that despite being SO EXCITED I somehow lost coming back to it in the shuffle of thesis and finals and graduating
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I'm glad you enjoyed it when you finally got to read it. And the characterization worked, especially Harvey, because he is an interesting character that way--and difficult to write, especially since his defining characteristic is that he's a lawyer, and he's not a lawyer, WELL. I love that BNF!Harvey fic, though--but I really, really love meta fic where characters are involved in fandom.
'The role that made the character famous' is an interesting trope (or whatever you want to call it) because it does show up in nearly every actor AU. I felt obligated to come up with one, so I'm pleased that Holden Caulfield worked. Not that I'd ever want to see a 'Catcher in the Rye' movie, I don't think.
Thank you for your amazing story- you made a really shitty day so much better with it! Is there a chance for an epiloge or a sequel? I look forward to your other works:)))
Thank you! I hadn't considered it, but someone at the meme suggested a sequel as well--I might write one from Mike's POV about some of the stuff that comes after and how their relationship advances, but I'm not sure when that would be. I am--ostensibly--also writing a thesis proposal right now, and I have a non-AU Suits fic I'm interested in writing, too.
I added a wee little epilogue, which should at least tide people over if I don't get the chance to write more of this ;) It's at the end of the fic in this post, or here.
de-anonning as OP because I want to tell you how much I love this story
This fic is amazing~ I followed it at the meme and then reread it here. I know you said you're worried about characterization but I thought you got them all spot on (especially Harvey, who is a diva no matter what). I just love the way you had everyone in this and that even though it's AU they're still themselves, and Harvey's thoughts in general and about books and Mike in particular, and Donna knowing everyone's business, and Mike being kind of in awe of the best bookseller/closer in the city, and Mike as Holden Caulfield, and about a hundred other things. Anyway, this really made my day, so thank you.
Thank you! It's always good (scratch that, it is seriously THE BEST FEELING) when the OP enjoys a fill, especially because my other concern was that I didn't stick too closely to the Notting Hill plot, which I know some Notting Hill AUs do and I wasn't sure if that was expected.
Anyway, I am really, really glad everything worked for you. Seriously. And I did add a little epilogue, now--it's in this post, or also here.
Lol, confession time: I've never actually seen Notting Hill! I've watched the trailer and read the wikipedia article. I just really like Notting Hill AUs, so absolutely no complaints here.
Huzzah! An epilogue! I'm going to go read that right this very minute.
What! Well, in that case, this fic is totes like Notting Hill and all the others ones are wrong >_>
Seriously, though, if you get the chance the movie's not that bad--or at least, I prefer it to so other 90's rom-coms (here's lookin' at you, 'Sleepless in Seattle'). And it's on Netflix! Even in Canada!
Ohhh this makes me so happy. I think you did a really good job with Harvey. There's a bit of a fine line between being aggressively confident versus obnoxiously arrogant and you did it really well. I would happily read many epilogues to this.
Comments 67
'The role that made the character famous' is an interesting trope (or whatever you want to call it) because it does show up in nearly every actor AU. I felt obligated to come up with one, so I'm pleased that Holden Caulfield worked. Not that I'd ever want to see a 'Catcher in the Rye' movie, I don't think.
This fic is amazing~ I followed it at the meme and then reread it here. I know you said you're worried about characterization but I thought you got them all spot on (especially Harvey, who is a diva no matter what). I just love the way you had everyone in this and that even though it's AU they're still themselves, and Harvey's thoughts in general and about books and Mike in particular, and Donna knowing everyone's business, and Mike being kind of in awe of the best bookseller/closer in the city, and Mike as Holden Caulfield, and about a hundred other things. Anyway, this really made my day, so thank you.
Anyway, I am really, really glad everything worked for you. Seriously. And I did add a little epilogue, now--it's in this post, or also here.
Huzzah! An epilogue! I'm going to go read that right this very minute.
Seriously, though, if you get the chance the movie's not that bad--or at least, I prefer it to so other 90's rom-coms (here's lookin' at you, 'Sleepless in Seattle'). And it's on Netflix! Even in Canada!
I did write an epilogue, because I am easily influenced. It's in this post, now, and also here in the meme.
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