What a wallow

Feb 20, 2012 18:14

I have spent this weekend in a wallow of the sort I haven't indulged in for an age, but instead of being a hormonal pity party, I passed through that valley and came out the other side into sheer ridiculous enjoyment of Gothic novels, Jane Austen, and men in well-fitted trousers. (This despite working from home today.)

I have watched: )

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Comments 25

beeej February 20 2012, 23:30:31 UTC
I fall in love with almost every version of Austen, ever. I also watched the Keira/Macfadyn P&P this weekend, because it was on and I couldn't turn the channel. Even though I own these things on DVD, if I stumble upon them I always watch. It's a thing. And even though when they announced the big screen remake I did a lot of bitching and moaning, I still loved it when it arrived. Matthew was a lovely, lovely Darcy. *sigh*

Now, which version of Persuasion did you watch? *chinhands*


wojelah February 21 2012, 01:30:08 UTC
Re: not being able to change the channel, YES, EXACTLY. He was a LOVELY Darcy, and though I was originally skeptical, I did really enjoy!

I watched the BBC version with Ciaran Hinds and Amanda Root, and just LOVED it - both for itself and for the fact that I could play BBC actor bingo with the cast. :D Is there another I should watch? (Ciaran Hinds's cheekbones, oh MY.)


beeej February 21 2012, 02:21:40 UTC
I ADORE Ciaran Hinds. He's got that magnetism thing going that I find very powerful. I'll watch him do anything. :) He also played Rochester in a1997 version of Jane Eyre that you should check out if you haven't yet.

The other version of Persuasion that I also like is this one staring Rupert Penry-Jones. He's wonderful, too. Also it's got bonus Anthony Head. :)


wojelah February 21 2012, 02:36:08 UTC

And I may be acquiring that version of Persuasion as we speak. :D


tesserae_ February 21 2012, 00:04:53 UTC
You should take a look at Dunnett's Lymond series. It's books, not TV, but I think it would be right up your alley. Oh, and the Anthony Andrews/Jeremy Irons version of Brideshead Revisited. Luscious, just luscious...


wojelah February 21 2012, 01:32:19 UTC
I LOVE LYMOND. Which is kurayami_hime's fault, but I can add you to the list of blameworthy recommenders. I may have to find a good narrator for that series and audiobook that too,

And okay, I now have viewing plans for next weekend. I do love me some Jeremy Irons....


cbackson February 21 2012, 01:36:35 UTC
The woman who gave my the Lymond Chronicles (as a high school graduation present) told me "Francis Crawford will ruin you for other men." AND SHE WAS RIGHT.


wojelah February 21 2012, 01:41:17 UTC
I admit, I had already been ruined by Messrs. Darcy, Rochester, and Knightley, because I did not come to Lymond until law school, but he may have saved second year law school for me. Which makes him, truly, a shining paragon among men.


mingsmommy February 21 2012, 00:27:30 UTC
I love Jane Eyre. Love to the point of obsession.

That sounds like a wonderful interlude...sheer ridiculous enjoyment is never a bad thing.


wojelah February 21 2012, 01:32:55 UTC
It has been FABULOUS. You should come visit and be ridiculous with me.

Have you seen the newest Jane Eyre?


seldearslj February 21 2012, 01:02:13 UTC
This would be the older Persuasion movie? With Ciaran Hinds as Captain Wentworth? I do love that version. (Haven't seen the more recent version...)

I do rather love the Emma Thompson & Kate Winslet Sense and Sensibility - it works so well for me. Although the newer one is good in other aspects, and makes Willoughby just that little bit more worthless and pitiable ( ... )


wojelah February 21 2012, 01:37:26 UTC
YES. That's exactly the one. His voice reading that letter? Oh, my god. Who's in the more recent version?

Re: Sense & Sensibility - when did the new one come out? omglawdork" gave me the shooting diaries/script for Christmas, and if you haven't read it, I HIGHLY recommend.

Re: the newer P&P - hahahahahaha. Mr. Bingley has never done much for me, I agree. And the change in the Bennett's lifestyle was confusing as well. I found if I could accept it as a REtelling, rather than a faithful telling, I enjoyed it, but that I had far more nits to pick. And it suits my mood better sometimes. The BBC version is still my go to - I just can't always give it the six hours it requires, which makes me sad.

Okay, I am going to have to find THAT Emma too - as I like those actors a GREAT deal. Jeremy Northam's Mr. Knightley, though? Subject of much delight.


seldearslj February 21 2012, 02:07:36 UTC
Oh, I do have a thing for Jeremy Northam's Mr. Knightley. I remember starting to watch The Net (circa mid 90s) and was all "ugh, he can't be a bad guy! he's MR FUCKING KNIGHTLEY!"

The Romola Garai/Jonny Lee Miller Emma is maybe a couple of years old now (which is probably so dated by now), and a miniseries by the Beeb. A bit more subtle than the one with Gwyneth, Northam, and Ewan McGregor (ZOMG McGregor as Frank Churchill - I have a terrible fondness for his elegant-and-charming style). And I prefer Jane Fairfax in this one - a bit more vulnerable, as suits a young lady of too much elegance with her heart a too involved with a man who's too cowardly to stand up for love ( ... )


wojelah February 21 2012, 02:12:47 UTC
RE: S&S - I didn't know about the 2008 miniseries! Must find!

And yes. Alan. Rickman. The. End.

I am a walking example of that doom. But I can attest that there are worser fates. :D If ever you find yourself back on the East Coast with time to spare, you are invited to a thoroughly decadent evening.


cbackson February 21 2012, 01:35:12 UTC
FASSBENDER. I watched X-Men: First Class this weekend and I am suddenly ALL ABOUT THAT, YES I AM.


wojelah February 21 2012, 01:38:21 UTC
THIS IS WHAT I AM SAYING. It is only truly expressed in all caps, really. As in, YES I SEE THE POINT OF YOU SIR OH MY. Thank GOD for the rewind button.


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