Mon, 15:41: RT @ im_legian: This guy isn't going down and he can actually get people killed, unlike the rest of the trolls we deal with. The username ha…
Sun, 02:02: RT @ PatronDsns: Breaking news! Do you remember I told you about the pitbull from Azov? He was returned to Ukraine! 🔥 He survived the terrib…
Fri, 17:20: RT @ JayinKyiv: Russians stealing homes from Ukrainians, now selling them. "Get money" is the core snd unifying principle of modern Russia.…
Thu, 17:03: RT @ dw_politics: A senior German official said on Thursday Twitter should be directly monitored by the European Commission as other tech fi…
Tue, 15:34: RT @ Tendar: The bridge in Melitopol leading over the Molochna Channel indeed has been sabotaged from beneath. Two pillars have been blown u…