Ok, Drhoz asked me if I saw any interesting bugs out at site to let him know, I've been stalking around with a camera, so under the cut, if the right buttons are pushed should be some photos of interest.
Can't really help you with the phasmid, but you Katydid seems to be related to the Meadow Katydids, or Coneheads, but I'm far from sure. I might need to forward it to some experts I know, who might recognise it.
No idea on the lizard or the trapdoor spider, either :/
I don't have the right book here for the lizard, I need to visit my Dad and borrow the book I gave him, it would be in that. The trapdoor spider was a grey blur, a very large grey blur. I'm not sure I want to see it. I'll post some more for you when I'm near my other machine :)
Comments 7
No idea on the lizard or the trapdoor spider, either :/
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