WTF Series: The one where...Hayato terrorises the neighbours

Jun 15, 2012 11:13

Title: The one where...Hayato terrorises the neighbours
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned except for Saito-san, I do however own this plot
Summary: Hayato is incredibly clumsy. MPREG, AU

The one where...Hayato terrorises the neighbours )

p:akame, g:humour, l:drabble, r:safe, s:wtf

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Comments 44

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wonotice June 15 2012, 11:16:55 UTC
He's just so cute, I really want to hug him >_<
Lol I have to say that is pretty genius
The poor boy would be so run off his feet XDD
Thank you ^_^
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


nofareli June 15 2012, 11:05:46 UTC
Hayato's adventures are really amusing. Couldn't stop laughing at Hayato, Ryo and the ball XD
Thanks for updating :-)

*BTW, I moved from 4 cups of coffee per day to none about 4 months ago. If I can do it (and I was addict - especially during gradschool), so can you!


wonotice June 15 2012, 11:21:19 UTC
Lol the poor boy, he really is a cutie though
I was doing well then my mum bought my favourite coffee T_T
And coffee tastes so good especially compared to the herbal tea I'm drinking now
Lol thanks for reading and commenting ♥


nofareli June 15 2012, 11:31:39 UTC
try drinking Cocoa instead of coffee. It lessen pressure on the body, while coffee actually makes your bodey more pressured - so much that you need to dring more and more :-)


wonotice June 16 2012, 10:33:34 UTC
I never really thought about that
I'd say it'd be weird to drink it in the summer, but this is Scotland we don't get summer -___-


gal_ps June 15 2012, 11:18:08 UTC
OMG I so so so so love Tat-chan here....and Hayato was supposed to be an angel helping with the evol twins... but it turned out differently here.... :) but no one can blame him... we all love him...
Thank you so so much for this update, hope everything with your eye problems would be gone and you'll have good health


wonotice June 15 2012, 11:24:12 UTC
Lol I do pretty much adore Tatsuya, it's just so much fun writing him like this
And Hayato is an angel, just a very clumsy angel XD
Thank you ^_^
And thanks for reading and commenting ♥


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wonotice June 16 2012, 10:18:41 UTC
He is ridiculously adorable lol
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


mhtyhr June 15 2012, 11:45:04 UTC
Love this series ^^
I wish I have an aunt like Aunt Ueda!

Thanks for writing and sharing this


wonotice June 16 2012, 10:19:41 UTC
I'm glad you like it
I've always wanted to be like Tat-chan in here but it failed miserably lol
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


mhtyhr June 18 2012, 13:56:13 UTC
I'm sure you'd get there...

I suddenly have an idea for a possible plot (if you can even call it that!)
Would love to see the twins get into trouble but blame it on Hayato. Hayato gets all upset but the twins then make it up to him somehow ^^


wonotice June 18 2012, 14:33:38 UTC
Aw that would be so cute
And it's definitely something those evil little boys would do XD
Thank you ^_^


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