Title: The one where...Jin tries DIY
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned
Summary: The twins' bunkbeds come and Jin insists on being the one to build them up, nothing good can come of this
He remembered promising to build them up, in fact he pretty much demanded to be the one to build them but now he just couldn’t be bothered. )
Comments 39
Kame has so much patience, being able to deal with four kids -_-
Lol thanks for reading and commenting ♥
thanks :-)
i don't know if i fell sorry to him or kazuya..hehehe
it is so funny...
tanq 4 sharing..
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
I love Jin's story of how he broke his thumb! It made me giggle XD
Naturally Kazuya could keep it together AND build the bed, I was expecting that, but it was so adorable his reasoning <3
thank you!xxx
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
Truthfully that night was pretty scary; he had to calm down not only Jin but the children too.
LOL I know it wouldn't end up so peacefully. Poor Kame, he must have a tough night.
But the ending is sweet ♥
Thanks for updating & sharing :)
Having such a clumsy husband XD
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
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