Title: The one where...the family have a sleepover
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour, fluff
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, I do own Eri, Risa and the plot however
Summary: Out of the goodness of his heart Kazuya decides to let Eri and Risa stay over, much to Jin's chagrin.
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Comments 23
ano....risa's mom...i just want to know the the person's identity....^^
thanks so much for this!
Risa's mum was a high school student called Sakura
She died giving birth to her
Koki's story was in here: http://wonotice.livejournal.com/17312.html#cutid1
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
i remember!!!
can i be like his second wife or something????
would love to take such role and take care of risa too....^^
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