Title: Hands Across the Ice Author: worblehat Genre: Prince of Tennis Pairing: Atobe/Sanada Rating: PG Disclaimer: Konomi's, not mine. Summary: Grumpy ice skating. Notes: Kind of schmoopy. Oops? Word Count: 784
Awww, thanks so much! Haven't written a lot of established relationship fic in general but lately, that's been a more enticing premise to write. So I'm glad it worked out okay! :)
*squees happily* That was so shiny! Sanato is so adorable, and Sanada's gruff exterior is so cute. Heh. And Atobe is of course, perfect as usual. *beams*
Thanks! It's been a while since I've watched PoT so I wasn't sure about the voices so much, so it's good to hear it wasn't unrecognisable. Glad you enjoyed the fic. :)
I can't believe I missed this fic, but I'd just like to give you a million ♥'s and my eternal love for writing FLUFFY TANGO PAIR. *____* It's so cute and perfect and omgskating. So much love. ♥♥♥
Have friended so I don't miss you!fic anymore. :D AtoSana's also my OTP at the moment, so uh, yes. You make me veeeeery happy. :x
It's no problem! I like writing any sort of tango pair, pretty much. They're a fun pair to play with, and it's so much fun to make them fluffy against their will, haha.
Thanks for the comment, glad you liked it and hope you end up enjoying whatever you choose to read. :)
Comments 16
establishedrelationship!SanaAto makes me happy.
*happy sigh*
Have friended so I don't miss you!fic anymore. :D AtoSana's also my OTP at the moment, so uh, yes. You make me veeeeery happy. :x
Thanks for the comment, glad you liked it and hope you end up enjoying whatever you choose to read. :)
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