Jun 07, 2014 10:41
The aftermath of anxiety?
More like lol, no I'm not moving from this chair I'm going to sit here and stim forever.
(I need to start using my anxiety pills again because this is freaking ridiculous.
Jun 07, 2014 00:38
The thing about anxiety is that you feel like the world is ending. It doesn't matter what the thing you're anxious about is - it could be going to a foreign country that you don't know the language of or returning a library book - either way, it feels like somebody is threatening to drop a nuclear bomb on your house.
Jun 07, 2014 00:07
Call me Matt or Ignacja or both.
My reason for making an account here is that I need a place to vent and talk about things that matter to me/affect my life, including, but not limited to mental illness, disability, school and Giftedness.
So here we go.