kpachayagolobka wrote in
Apr 14, 2009 11:55
I know we've had a somewhat similar question before, but in light of yesterday's hell...
Would you rather lose your computer or your phone*?
*Phone defined as anything that makes a call, iPhone and Crackberry included
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 10, 2009 16:03
Would you rather be the driver on a long road trip or the passenger?
Speaking of, I am going to be out of town this weekend and don't know how much access I will have to the internets. So, unless one of y'all wants to post a WYR, there may be a slight hiatus!
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 09, 2009 12:56
Would you rather have phenomenally beautiful footwear that is moderately uncomfortable or something comfortable but totally dowdy?
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 08, 2009 14:49
In terms of deterring predators, would you rather be camouflaged or be brightly colored but extremely poisonous?
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 07, 2009 20:17
Would you rather crack your knuckles compulsively or bite your nails?
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 06, 2009 21:52
Since I skipped the online shenanigans yesterday for my birthday, here's a daily double.
Would you rather always be the one to cook or always be the one to clean up after?
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 06, 2009 21:50
Would you rather eat a roasted rodent of some kind or a chocolate covered bug?
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 04, 2009 12:57
Would you rather do a boatload of math homework or write a long paper?
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 03, 2009 22:01
Would you rather have carte blanche to explore the globe as long as you submit yourself to the whim of a producer who may cause you physical -- but not fatal -- pain, or have to pay your way through your travels?
virtuistic wrote in
Apr 02, 2009 13:13
Would you rather have a 4-day work week of 10-hour days or a 5-day work week of standard 8-hour days?