lots of things going on in my head. lots of things going on in my life. thats all i will share for now. you didn't think i'd actually express beyond that, did you?
just got back from playing some tackle football at the park with some co-workers at UPS. we had 9 on 9 for quite some time. and... i think i'm dying. i'm so banged up i can hardly move. and oh yes, there was blood. thank god i have a weekend for recovery.
Created by thedude483 and taken 112 times on Bzoink opening credits"Untitled #1" by Sigur Rosblahwaking up"A Plain Morning" by Dashboard Confessionalgetting dressed"This Years Most Fashionable Signs of Weakness" by Drowningmanaverage day"Glorious Day" by Weezerwork"Work" by Jimmy Eat Worldfalling asleep"Dare to
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i bought some of those new pizza Lays Stax chips. i mean, its pretty much a rip-off of the whole pringles idea, but... holy... shit... they are so good! so good that i looked over the ingredients to see if they maybe sprinkled a little crack into these things. i need to stock up on these like they're rations.