Jun 28, 2008 08:39

Want to be part of the community? Make sure you've read the rules, FAQs, and the taken characters list before applying.

In order to apply, fill out the form and post it here. Once you've posted your app, please wait for one of the mods to look over your application and give a response. The approval comment will include all the steps you need to complete in order to get started.

If you don't get a response within three days, it's probably because we're feeling mega slow and you may feel free to poke a mod through AIM to get us back on track 8)

Length isn't an issue, but if your app leaves us wondering about all these potholes in your character, we will ask you to elaborate. Quality over quantity!


LJ Username:
Contact Info:
Do you play any other characters here?


Preferred Occupation:
Physical Appearance:



Journal Sample:
Log Sample:

Have you read the rules and FAQs?


Name: What you want us to call you.
LJ Username: Mhm.
Contact Info: AIM, MSN, e-mail. Pick one or all--just make sure we have a way to contact you if we ever need to.
Do you play any other characters here? y/n.


Name: derp
Fandom/Series: see above
Age: take it into consideration when picking a job!
Gender: see comments under "name" and "fandom."
Preferred Occupation: Please list your first & second choices. More information on jobs listed here.
Physical Appearance: You may link us a picture of your character or write a description--whatev floats your boat.

Personality: This part should be pretty substantial and is probably the most important part of your application aside from the samples. We want to know how good of a grasp you have on your character--so please, write this in your own words!

History: Doesn't have to be extensive. Just show us how your character would have lived their life up to now, seeing how they're normal citizens and not DOGS screw-ups or superninjas. This can be in timeline form (IE: a bulleted list of major events).

Journal Sample: Write a first person sample post--an example of a regular journal post your character would make in their journal.
Log Sample: OPTIONAL IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A CHARACTER IN THE RP, OR HAVE RP'ed HERE BEFORE. We just want to see your writing style. You're allowed to use samples from other communities, so long as they center around the same character and you wrote it.

Have you read the rules and FAQs? Well?


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