Title: “Saraswati and the Swan”
Series: Sailing in Samsara (1/1 - thus far)
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Spoilers: Post (my hypothetical) AWE
Pairing: Jack/Elizabeth, Saraswati (OC)
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,550
Summary: The first chapter of a longer work that will address Jack’s backstory and the role of family in his life. Jack and Lizzie set anchor
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Comments 33
That's a story I'd love to hear told in its entirety!
I was a bit tired last night, so I didn't say nearly all I wanted to say about this piece, which is a delight. (I love the title, too, btw.) There's such rich and layered detail of character, culture, relationship, and emotion here, so much going on under the surface. The descriptions and sense of place (especially in the flashback sections) are exquisite. But it's also just plain fun to read, with Jack leaving the ladies to it, Elizabeth using one of her favorite tricks on Sara, Gibbs being superstitious, Jack and the coconut, "just let me get my boots," the J/E banter.
I really like the opening now--the best elements of both versions are present, and I think it's nice and clear as well.
The sting of her words snapped across Sara’s face in brief shadows ( ... )
"That's a story I'd love to hear told in its entirety!"
- You might just. There will be lots of Jack backstory, that's for sure. I've got this elephant of a storyline swimming in my head, and he's wanting out.
Let me just say again that i'm so glad you enjoyed it. That it was both funny and poetic and culturally and emotionally realistic makes me super happy. I am really wanting to do India, Jack, Lizzie, and all others their honor.
Typical man, Jack used his Lizzie to soften an uncomfortabel situation. What man hasn't left his wife to deal with the difficult in-laws. I love the slow, unpeeling of each character, making you even more hungry for the layer.
The cultural insights are great. I know little of India, but I'm willing to learn. You've given us just enough bait to make us want to hear more...and more...and more. Let the elephant out, we can take it.
I'm glad I was of some vague kind of help. It's easy when you have been given great things to work with.
I'm humbled in your presence. I'm not worthy....
Friending you, of course. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
P.S. I love you! I really do. :)
Thrilled that you like Sara, and it means the world to me that you've enjoyed my style.
Friending you right back! :)
I'm the lucky one to be able to share with ya'll and get this briliant feedback. Thank you!
Jack and Lizzie are very in-character and I greatly enjoyed the way you portrayed them. Again, great work, can't wait to read more, soon!
- Thank you so much! I spent an inordinate amount of time researching little bits to try and keep things true to the times and the culture. I'm very happy that it worked for you, and that the sense of Indian was there both obvious and subtle. *squee*
So glad you enjoyed Jack and Lizzie, and am throughly relieved that Sara's not coming off Mary-Sue-like.
More is on the way. The elephant will not allow me to stop. He beats me with his trunk....;)
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