Title: Training Day [Evil!Sammy Universe]
eboniorchidFandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Prompt: Various prompts for
100moods, challenge table
here. 12. Fear Play. For
50kinkyways, challenge table
Word Count: ~ 30,000 words.
Rating: NC-17 for language, sexuality, and violence.
Warnings/Spoilers: Angst! Dark! Future. Apocalypse. Manipulation. Dubious-con. Kink/BDSM. M/s. Power!kink. Dirty talk. Voyeurism. Impact play. Masturbation. Orgasm control/denial. Food!kink. Graphic m/m sex. Smut. Violence. Plot. Wincest. Slash. AU after "Simon Said". Multi-chapter (complete). Potential vague spoilers for Season 1 and "In My Time of Dying".
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Really. Nothing.
Summary: Dean learns how to be a good boy for his owner, Sam. Dean's POV.
Betas: Much gratitude goes to my lj-wife
missyjack, to
amara_m, and to
la_folle_allure for audiencing bits of this fic! *draws hearts*
Author's Notes: This story follows directly after
Bury the Hunter (NC-17: Sam/Dean) and
Promises (NC-17: Sam/Dean). For more info about my
Evil!Sammy Universe, including links to all installments, please
go here.
Available Here - includes
"Bruises" by Unloco,
"Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails,
"Hollow" by A Perfect Circle, and
"Suffering" by Jay-Jay Johanson.
Chapter 1: The Morning Service Chapter 2: The Whore Parade Chapter 3: The Tasteful Performance Chapter 4: The Desired Discipline Chapter 5: The Destined Fuck Chapter 6: The Willing Words Chapter 7: The Supposed Warrior Chapter 8: The Sweet Deal
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