Evil!Sammy Universe Introduction and Chronology

Nov 09, 2006 02:34

Banner by dauntdraws ( thank the artist here!)

An Introduction to the Evil!Sammy Universe

Working Title: What You and I Were Meant to Be

Basic Premise: Sam, part-demon, is forced to embrace his darkness and aid the demonic war machine. As humanity loses the war, Sam takes Dean as his slave. But, of course, that's not the whole story.

Summary to Now: The Big Secret was that Sam was part-demon, conceived during a possession. When Dean told Sam the secret, Sam freaked out and ran off, both so he could find answers that Dean didn't want to look for and so that he wouldn't endanger Dean if he went rogue. While they were separated, Sam got kidnapped, brutalized, trained, and reprogrammed over the course of 8+ months by the demon's people in preparation for the war. Then Sam was returned to Dean, who was unaware of the kidnapping and reprogramming, with a reasonable cover story, and they hunted together again for almost a year while the demonic war machine was revving up. Humanity basically lost on the first day of the war and Sam, rather than kill Dean, took him as his slave. Dean is, of course, having a rough time conforming, but harsh discipline and the threat of a drugged existence push Dean to submit. He tries to hold on to hope for himself and for Sam, but he's slowly breaking and he still knows so little about Sam's part in all this.

WARNING: This is dark!fic. Yes, sex is a part of the plot, but there will rarely be moments when darkness, angst, heavy kink, and even violence won't share story-space with the sex.

Major new installment now available! More on the way!

The Chronology of the Evil!Sammy Universe

A Note About the Chronology: If you're eager, then just jump in wherever you want and if you get confused, you can always go back and/or ask questions. Since the story was written to be read in the posting order rather than in chronological order, however, I would STRONGLY SUGGEST that you ignore the chronology except for basic reference and actually read the work in its original posting order, which is listed just below the chronology. I actually think it makes more sense out of chronological order than it does in chronological order, especially with the current list of unposted works, but whichever way you choose to read it, I hope you enjoy it. And feedback is always greatly appreciated.

Before the Day of Fire
Destiny Found Him Early and Alone (R, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean)
Letters in My Mind, 1 of 8 (R, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean) + Podfic/Audiobook (read by twasadark)
Letters in My Mind, 2-8 of 8 (R, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean) + Podfic/Audiobook (read by twasadark)
Undamaged Destiny (PG-13, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean)
Brothers Again, Sort Of (PG-13, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean)
Plain Gold Band (NC-17, Slash/Het: Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC, Dean/OMC)
Evil He Refused to See (PG-13, Slash: Sam/Dean)
[Interlude] See, Shout, Breathe (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Nothing Left (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean, Mystery Man/OMC)
Choosing Sides (Slash: Sam/Dean)

The Day of Fire
The Heat Outside Would Never Warm Him (PG-13, Slash: Sam/Dean)
On the Edge of the World (Slash: Sam/Dean)
I Don't Know You (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Pretty Broken Things (Slash: Sam/Dean)

After the Day of Fire
Owned (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Bury the Hunter (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Promises (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Training Day (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean) + Podfic/Audiobook (read by superstitiousme)
Whore Academy (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Eager (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean, mentions of Dean/OMCs)
Walking (R, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Dreamwalking (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Walking Nightmares (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Fucked (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Failure Deserving of Blame (R, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Clarity (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Going Down (Slash: Sam/Dean) - June 14, 2016!
[Interlude] Tomorrow Comes (Slash: Sam/Dean) - Coming up next!
Begging for You (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Just For You (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
I Dream of Death (R, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Training Room 8 (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Delusions of Freedom (Slash: Sam/Dean)
You Made Me Your Butterfly (Slash: Sam/Dean)
What I Need (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Two by Two (Slash: Sam/Dean, Dean/OMCs)
Care of My Property (Slash: Sam/Dean, Dean/OMC)
Of War and Love (Slash: Sam/Dean)
I Thought ... But I Was Wrong (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Fucked Up and Necessary (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Look But Don't Touch (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Exploring New Territory (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Demons or Roses (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Deemed Worthy (Slash/Het/Moresome: Sam/Dean, Dean/OMCs/OFCs)
Own Your Heart (Slash: Sam/Dean)
How I'm Strong (Slash: Sam/Dean)
This Ladder of Your Temple (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Named What I'd Known (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Blood Bath (Slash: Sam/Dean)
Burning for You (Slash: Sam/Dean)

Ending Sequence #1 (follows Burning for You):
The Best of All Possible Worlds (Slash: Sam/Dean)

Ending Sequence #2 (follows Burning for You):
Who Wants to Live Forever (Slash: Sam/Dean)

Posting Order

The Heat Outside Would Never Warm Him (PG-13, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Destiny Found Him Early and Alone (R, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean)
Begging for You (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Letters in My Mind, 1 of 8 (R, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean)
Owned (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Letters in My Mind, 2-8 of 8 (R, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean)
Failure Deserving of Blame (R, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Bury the Hunter (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Undamaged Destiny (PG-13, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean)
Promises (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Training Day (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
I Dream of Death (R, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Brothers Again, Sort Of (PG-13, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean)
Just For You (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
[Interlude] See, Shout, Breathe (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Walking (R, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Dreamwalking (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Whore Academy (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Plain Gold Band (NC-17, Slash/Het: Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC, Dean/OMC)
Eager (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean, mentions of Dean/OMCs)
Evil He Refused to See (PG-13, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Nothing Left (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean, Mystery Man/OMC)
Walking Nightmares (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Fucked (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Clarity (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Going Down (Slash: Sam/Dean) - June 14, 2016!
[Interlude] Tomorrow Comes (Slash: Sam/Dean) - Coming up next!

Fanworks for this 'Verse

Unofficial/AU Fics in this 'Verse
Letters in my mind (R, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean) by orphan_project
Just another letter in my head (R, Gen/Pre-Slash: Sam, Dean) by orphan_project
My final letters to you (R, Slash: Sam/Dean) by orphan_project

Podfics/Audiobooks of Stories in this 'Verse
"Letters in My Mind #1-8" Podfic/Audiobook (read by twasadark)
"Training Day" Podfic/Audiobook (read by superstitiousme)

Artwork for this 'Verse
Cover Art/Banner by dauntdraws

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) for the Evil!Sammy Universe:
  1. Why does it take so long between updates sometimes? ... Although I write in this 'verse as often as I can (usually a bit every day), I am just like the rest of you and have school/work/family/friends/life things that need attention at times. Don't let this worry you, though. No matter how addicted you are to this 'verse, I promise that I'm at least ten times more obsessed with it. It plays like a TV show on the projector of my mind pretty much all the time and I love it too much not to want to share it with someone, namely, all of you.
  2. Why aren't all of the stories linked? ... Because they haven't been posted yet. They aren't locked or located elsewhere or anything. They just haven't been posted yet. This is still a Universe-In-Progress. :)
  3. Is Sam actually, really, totally, completely, irredeemably evil? ... It's all up for reader interpretation, but I do think that there is always some of the old Sam left in him.
  4. Is Dean actually, really, totally, completely, unfixably broken? ... It's all up for reader interpretation, but I do think that there is always some of the old Dean left in him.
  5. What happened to the Impala? ... Theoretically, it's just outside, but Dean obviously hasn't seen it and Sam doesn't talk about it, so its status remains a mystery … at least until later installments. *coughfuckedupandnecessarycough*
  6. Why do you have two endings? Couldn't you decide on just one? ... Actually, depending on your interpretation of this universe, you could say that they both happen and not just that either could happen (like most things with multiple endings).
  7. Why does the list of titles change sometimes? ... As I continue to work on the various chapters of this universe, sometimes a previously untitled chapter gets a title, in which case I'll add it to the list, or I'll decide that one of the stories already on the list should have a different title. It's just how I work.
  8. What about mytharc? Where is it and where did you get it from? ... The mytharc for this universe is actually all over the place. It becomes more prominent in later sections, but it has been there from the start. As for where it comes from, it's a fictionalized amalgam of a variety of philosophies about the cosmos. If you absolutely must know what traditions I drew from specifically, then drop me an email. ;-)
  9. Is this available on Archive of Our Own (AO3)? ... It will be mirrored onto AO3 starting in July 2013 with "Clarity," but previous works will also be uploaded as time permits. This is the ESU series page on AO3.
  10. Will other questions be answered, if asked? ... Maybe. Depends on the question. The only way to find out is to go ahead and ask.

Index for All Stories

*wip, genre: future!fic, genre: dark!fic, genre: amnesia!fic, character: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, genre: au!fic, character: sam winchester, pairing: sam/dean, *chronology, !fanfic, genre: angst!fic, genre: smut!fic, genre: kink!fic, genre: established-relationship!fic, genre: wincest!fic, genre: dream!fic, genre: plot!fic, fic universe: spn evil!sammy, genre: apocalypse!fic, *index

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