Title: Destiny Found Him Early and Alone [Evil!Sammy Universe]
eboniorchidFandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Prompt: 060. Lonely. For
100moods, challenge table
Word Count: 241 words exactly.
Rating: R for language and violence.
Warnings/Spoilers: Gen/Pre-Slash. Angst. DARK! Future. Apocalypse. Violence. AU after "Simon Said". Plot. Spoilers for "Home", "In My Time of Dying", and "Simon Said".
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Really. Nothing.
Summary: Sam left Dean to find a way to fight his destiny, but destiny found him early and alone.
Author's Notes: This could stand on its own or be part of the backstory that leads to
The Heat Outside Would Never Warm Him (Sam/Dean).
Letters in My Mind, 1 of 8 (Sam, Dean) and
Letters in My Mind, 2-8 of 8 are also set during the events of this story. For more info about my
Evil!Sammy Universe, including links to all installments, please
go here.
He'd left his brother again, but not for school this time. He'd left because that twisted bit of him that wanted to extinguish Ansom's life with a bullet to the head wouldn't let him forget, kept him dreaming alternate endings. He'd left because he finally learned what he was and couldn't fucking handle all of Dean's concern edged with his own special brand of poorly-hidden fear. He'd left to find out what it meant for his soul to be bound up with one of the Fallen. He'd left to figure out if destiny would make him a destroyer and if so, how to get Dean to kill him before he fulfilled that destiny.
They'd found him, alone and lost like that, trying desperately to cling to a morality that his darker parts rejected. They'd kept him, stashed him away like the terrible secret he was, and squashed every resistance, every almost-escape. They'd tortured and dehumanized him, stripping his mind and soul down to shattered bits of bloody confusion, turmoil burning through the last of his defenses. They'd built him back up, version number two, with his gifts fed by training and his humanity shoved back in the far-distant past of some boy he hardly knew, some boy he wasn't anymore. They'd sent him back into the world from which he'd come, to scorch his destiny into the flesh of the Earth and destroy the hero-brother he'd left behind and all alone.