Fanfic Universes Index

Dec 11, 2016 15:40

You can check my TAGS to access all stories sorted by fandom, category, genre, and kink, as well as by fic universe and fic series.



Supernatural Pseudo-Canon Universe (missing, revised, re-interpreted, or slightly AU scenes, no implied continuity though)

Need (PG, Gen: Sam, Dean)
Bloody Holiday (R, Gen: Sam, Dean)
Those Winchesters (PG-13, Gen: Tom the Demon)
Knowledge (PG-13, Gen: Sam)
Hope for After (PG, Gen: Sam)
Childhood Memories Enemies (PG-13, Gen: Sam)
Abandonment (PG-13, Gen: Sam)
Not Running (PG-13, Gen: Jake)
Dagger Mine (PG-13, Gen: Sam, Dean, Ruby)
Gather at the River (G, Gen: Winchester Men)

Watch and Play (NC-17, Slash/Het/Threesome: Sam/Sarah/Dean)
Love in Focus (PG-13, Het: Sam/Jess)
He Just Likes It (NC-17, Het: Dean/Women)
My Blood-Stained Canvas Chorus (NC-17, Het: Sam/Jo) [f-locked, friend this journal for access]
She-and-Sam-and-Dean (NC-17, Slash/Het/Threesome: Sam/Sarah/Dean)
Misti-with-an-i (NC-17, Het: Sam/OFC)
Family Man (NC-17, Het: Sam/Jess)

Slash - Non-Wincest
Genesis, the Second (R, Slash: Dean/Castiel)
Feather Worn (PG-13, Slash: Sam/Gabriel)
Years Like Blood (NC-17, Slash: Alistair/Dean)

Slash - Wincest w/John
All About Feeling Good (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean/John, S/D, J/D) [f-locked, friend this journal for access]
Come Home with Me (NC-17, Slash: Demon!John/Dean, implied D!J/Sam)
Marking Territory (NC-17, Slash: John/Sam) [f-locked, friend this journal for access]
What You Don't Know (R, Slash: John/Sam, Dean) [f-locked, friend this journal for access]

Slash - All Other Wincest
Wherein Sam Explains His Decision (PG-13, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Not a Kid Anymore (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Together and Now (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Shower Slick (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Watch and Play (NC-17, Slash/Het/Threesome: Sam/Sarah/Dean)
I Didn't Know Me Until I Met You (NC-17, Slash: AU!Sam/AU!Dean, implied AU!Sam/Kane)
A Normal Day (R, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Sammy Sundae (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean) [Interlude from "A Normal Day"]
Sexysleepysaturday (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Warm (PG-13, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Dance, This is the Way (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)
She-and-Sam-and-Dean (NC-17, Slash/Het/Threesome: Sam/Sarah/Dean)
Fix (PG-13, Slash: Sam/Dean)
Smarty No-Pants (NC-17, Slash: Dean/Sam)
To Have Never Parted (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean)

Supernatural Evil!Sammy Universe (AU, Dark, Apocalypse, Sam/Dean) - Introduction and Chronology

Supernatural Samdom Universe (slightly AU, Kink, includes DW/TW/4400 x-overs) - Introduction and Chronology

Supernatural/BuffyTVS-AngelTS Crossover Universe
SPN/AngelTS: Damn Georgia Peaches (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Lindsey)

Supernatural/Marvel Comics Crossover Universe
SPN/Spider-Man: Normal (PG, Gen: Sam, Peter)

Supernatural/Smallville Kansas Badboys Universe
Lawrence vs. Smallville: The Epic Kansas Bad Boy Showdown [scenes from] (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean, Clark/Jason, Dean/Jason) *WIP preview

Supernatural Characters in RPG Universes
DramaticMuses - Leaves, Stones, Water, and Blood (PG-13, Gen: Sam)

Supernatural Crack (sans Universe)
Elves and Names and Gifts and Trees (G, Gen: Sam, Dean)

Supernatural Fanpoetry Meta (sans Universe)
Supernatural Fan Manifesto (PG, Gen: Sam, Dean)

RPS [95% Friends Locked]
NOTE:  Please friend this journal for access to all RPS fics.

CW-WB Fanon Universe (missing, revised, or re-interpreted scenes, no implied continuity though)
The Jacket, Part 1 of 2 (R, Slash: JA/JP) [f-locked]
The Jacket, Part 2 of 2 (NC-17, Slash: JA/JP) [f-locked]
Baskets and Baseball (NC-17, Slash: JA/JP) [f-locked]
J.B. - Against the Fence (NC-17, Slash: JA/JP) [f-locked]
All Natural (NC-17, Slash: JA/JP) [f-locked]
Bruises Under You (NC-17, Slash: Jared/Jensen) [f-locked]
Friend Material (NC-17, Slash: Jared/Jensen/Tahmoh) [f-locked]
See Also:  CW/Disney Fanon, CW Crack, and RPS Multifandom Freeforall.

CW-WB/Disney Fanon Universe
CW/Disney: Not That Disney Kid (NC-17, Slash: Jared/Zac) [f-locked]

CW-WB Crack (sans Universe)
Stories of Sex in the Stocking, 1-3 (NC-17, Slash: JA/JP x 2.5) [f-locked]
The Best Fucking Day! (NC-17, Queer/Slash: Jared/Jensen)

RPS Multifandom Freeforall
Ain't Nobody Who's As Good at What I Do (NC-17, Slash: Jason Momoa/Christian Kane) [f-locked]


The 4400

Matthew Ross POV AU
More about Matthew, Part 1 (PG-13, Gen: Matthew, Shawn)

The Black Donnellys

The Black Donnellys Pseudo-Canon Universe
Saint's Day Apology (NC-17, Slash: Tommy/Kevin)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series (also see: Supernatural/BtVS-AtS Crossover Universe)

BtVS/AtS Pseudo-Canon Universe
Good Kitty (NC-17, Femslash: Mystery Woman/Faith)
Clean (NC-17, Femslash: Faith/Willow)
Locked Library After Hours (NC-17, Femslash: Faith/Willow)

Doctor Who

Doctor Who/Roswell Crossover Universe
So, a Doctor, a King, and a Knight Walk Into a TARDIS and … (NC-17, Slash: Ten/Max/Michael)

See: Supernatural Samdom Universe (Crossover)


See: Heroes/Smallville Crossover Universe

Kushiel's Legacy

She Is (PG, Gen: Phèdre)


Leverage Pseudo-Canon Universe (missing, revised, or re-interpreted scenes, no implied continuity though)
You Put the Wow in WoW (NC-17, Slash: Eliot/Alec)
Eyes Wide Open (NC-17, Het/Slash/Threesome: Parker/Alec/Eliot)


Merlin Pseudo-Canon Universe (missing, revised, or re-interpreted scenes, no implied continuity though)
Just Enough (NC-17, Slash: Arthur/Merlin)
Eyes Like Home (R, Slash: Gwaine/Merlin)

Merlin Alternate Universes (modern and otherwise)
Sweet Sennen Beach (NC-17, Queer/Slash: Gwaine/Merlin)

Mutant X

Mutant X Pseudo-Canon Universe (missing, revised, or re-interpreted scenes, no implied continuity though)
Her Biting Caress (NC-17, Femslash: Emma/Shalimar)
Her Smile, Her Kiss (PG, Femslash: Emma/Shalimar)


See: Doctor Who/Roswell Crossover Universe


dm_rpg Universe (Multifandom/Crossover, DramaticMuses)
Leaves, Stones, Water, and Blood (PG-13, Gen: Sam)


Smallville Pseudo-Canon Universe
Innocence Debauched (NC-17, Slash: Clark/Lex)

Heroes/Smallville Crossover Universe
Fucking for Favors (NC-17, Slash: Lex/Jason/Nathan)

Supernatural/Smallville Kansas Badboys Universe
Lawrence vs. Smallville: The Epic Kansas Bad Boy Showdown [scenes from] (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean, Clark/Jason, Dean/Jason) *WIP preview

Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1 Jackdom Universe (slightly AU)
The Gift (NC-17, Slash: Jack/Daniel)
Two Together (NC-17, Slash: Jack/Daniel)

Torchwood (also see: Supernatural Samdom Universe)

Torchwood Pseudo-Canon Universe (missing, revised, or re-interpreted scenes, no implied continuity though)

Binding Lives (PG-13, Het: Ianto/Lisa)
Down by the Riverside (PG, Het: Ianto/Lisa)

The Story So Far (PG, Pre-Slash: Ianto, pre-Jack/Ianto)
Pet (PG-13, Slash: Jack/Ianto)

Original and Professional Fiction

Interested in reading original fiction by awesome fanfic writers?  Fic Street is on the way!


*wip, *chronology, !fanfic, *index

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