
Jun 12, 2007 18:05

TITLE: Ramblings of a Backup
AUTHOR: Jennie

CHARACTERS: Scott Clemmensen of the New Jersey Devils and Ryan Miller of the Buffalo Sabres.
SUMMARY: Ryan thinks Scott uses his sexual escapades for more than just pleasure. Scott debates rambles this point.
RATING: R. Scotty can’t help but curse. J
DISCLAIMER: Like it’s counterpart, this fic is ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

zdarovyeh June 12 2007, 22:29:18 UTC
These two are so cute. :) Although I have to wonder how familiar Ryan Miller really is with $50 bars of Ghiradelli chocolate. ;)


x_jerseygirl June 12 2007, 22:40:19 UTC
Hey, if I was making the money he was, I'd be familiar with them. :P


zdarovyeh June 12 2007, 23:12:44 UTC
*snickers* But are you in a 'position' where you're expected to bend the way he does on a daily basis? :)


x_jerseygirl June 12 2007, 23:28:11 UTC
Hahaha! No, that is true.

But hey, he's a guy who loves his chocolate. ;)


lady_lilith June 12 2007, 22:34:56 UTC
I love this. I'm always happy when I see you've written another. You have Goalie Scott down so perfectly.


x_jerseygirl June 12 2007, 22:39:14 UTC
:D Thanks!


honeybee718 June 13 2007, 14:14:32 UTC
*drools* I love Scott Clemmenson, so sexy and yeah he definitely doesn't get enough play time. But that's the curse of being Marty's back-up. Anyways....onto the fic. This was cute. I liked the letter format. Makes for a change of pace, which is nice.


x_jerseygirl June 14 2007, 00:29:45 UTC
*giggles* You never hear people talk about him because of who his back up is. You hear people talk about Jamie Mclennan and he backs up Mikka who plays some ridiculous number of games. We need to hear more from Scotty aside from the rare article about his lack of playing time!

Thanks! :) If you like a change of pace, read vyvolat_hokej's (an LJ- I have no clue how to put the LJ name as a link. I'm not that LJ literate yet :P) stuff. It's so different but so good. :)


slasher48 June 18 2007, 22:23:33 UTC
I LOVE THESE...you are a brilliant writer, your style is so unique...and it's quirky and cute and I like it :)


x_jerseygirl June 18 2007, 22:57:29 UTC
That is probably the nicest compliment I've ever received! Thank you soo much! :)


slasher48 July 2 2007, 06:22:44 UTC
*giggles* You are very very welcome..and I'm glad to compliment someone so talented :)


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